心如刀割的近义词成语 【寸心如割】 【心如刀锯】 【痛不欲生】 【痛澈心脾】 【心痛如割】 【万箭攒心】 【五内如焚】 【肝肠寸断】 【心如刀绞】 心如刀割的反义词四字词语 〖欣喜若狂〗 〖欢天喜地〗 〖心花怒放〗 心如刀割的近义词成语带有解释 〖肝肠寸断〗: 形容极度悲痛伤心。《战国策·燕策三》:“吾要且死,子肠亦且寸绝。” 〖寸心如割〗: 内心痛苦不堪,好像被刀割一样。 〖五内如焚〗: 五内:五脏;俱:都;焚:烧。五脏都像着了火一样。形容像火烧的一样。比喻非常焦急。 〖万箭攒心〗: 攒:聚集。象万枝箭聚在心上。形容万分伤痛。 〖心如刀绞〗: 内心痛苦得像刀割一样。 〖心如刀锯〗: 犹心如刀割。内心痛苦得象刀割一样。 〖心痛如割〗: 形容某件事情给人的伤害之大。 〖痛不欲生〗: 悲痛得不想活下去,形容悲伤到极点。 心如刀割的反义词四字词语带有解释 欣喜若狂 [xīnxǐruòkuáng] 欣喜:快乐;若:好像;狂:失去控制。形容高兴到了极点。 心花怒放 [xīnhuānùfàng] 形容内心高兴极了。 欢天喜地 [huāntiānxǐdì] 形容非常欢喜。 关于心如刀割的详细解释 xīn rú dāo gē 【成语的意思和解释】--内心痛苦得像刀割一样。形容极其痛苦难过。 【成语来源出自哪里】--元 秦简夫《赵礼让肥》第一折:“眼睁睁俺子母各天涯,想起来我心如刀割,起来我泪似悬麻。” 【成语拼音简写】--xrdg 【褒义还是贬义】--中性成语词语,没有明显褒义贬义 【成语使用办法和性质】--主谓式;作谓语、定语、状语;形容极其痛苦和悲伤 【成语形式结构】--主谓式成语 扩展阅读:用心如刀割写一句话 (1)、看她伤势这样严重却无能为力,做母亲的真是心如刀割。 (1) it's hard for a mother to see that she is so badly injured but can't do anything about it. (2)、你知道冰海深处的寒冷吗?我在最深的不见光的深渊,想念你的笑容和你雾霭般的忧伤,想得心如刀割。如果你可以听到我说话,我想你,可以带我回家吗? (2) do you know the cold in the deep ice sea? I miss your smile and your misty sadness in the deepest dark abyss. If you can hear me, I miss you, can you take me home? (3)、表情那叫一个心如刀割,五内如焚,肝肠寸断啊。 (3) the expression is like a knife in the heart, burning in the stomach and heartbroken. (4)、当候耀文把自己两个孩都给前妻的时候,他的孩子其实都承受着“心如刀割”,都说父爱如山,父亲不要自己了,会感觉自己不如一棵草。 (4) when Hou Yaowen gave his two children to his ex-wife, his children were all suffering from "heartburn". They all said that father's love was like a mountain. If his father didn't want him, he would feel inferior to a grass. (5)、那个时候,我还不知道我们可以一如往常生活,工作,在开玩笑的时候心如刀割………我完全不知道,我们可以在伤心欲绝的同时,一面全神贯注工作,精神崩溃同时又笑容可掬,悲伤又自在,苍凉又爱恋。布里吉特·吉罗 (5) at that time, I didn't know that we could live and work as usual and cut our hearts when we were joking I don't know at all that we can be heartbroken and at the same time concentrate on our work, break down and smile at the same time, sad and comfortable, desolate and loving. Bridget Giro ![]() |