大呼小叫的近义词成语 【大喊大叫】 【大吵大闹】 大呼小叫的反义词四字词语 〖销声匿迹〗 〖无声无息〗 〖消声匿迹〗 大呼小叫的近义词成语带有解释 〖大喊大叫〗: 大声叫嚷,形容大肆宣传,大造舆论。 〖大吵大闹〗: 1.指争论各方并无严重分歧而进行毫无秩序的争吵骚动。 大呼小叫的反义词四字词语带有解释 无声无息 [wúshēngwúxī] 没有声音和气息,比喻没有动静或没有什么影响、作为。 消声匿迹 [xiāoshēngnìjì] 不公开讲话,不出头露面。形容隐藏起来,不再出现。 销声匿迹 [xiāoshēngnìjì] 不再公开讲话,不再出头露面。形容隐藏起来或不公开出现。 关于大呼小叫的详细解释 dàhūxiǎojiào 【成语的意思和解释】--高一声低一声地乱喊乱叫。形容呼喊吵嚷。 【成语来源出自哪里】--元无名氏《谢金吾》:“是什么人在门口大呼小叫,我去看咱。” 【成语繁体字写法】--大嘑小叫 【成语拼音简写】--dhxj 【褒义还是贬义】--中性成语词语,没有明显褒义贬义批评或者赞美 【成语使用办法和性质】--联合式;作谓语、状语、补语;含贬义,用于不懂礼貌 【成语形式结构】--联合式成语 扩展阅读:用大呼小叫写一句话 (1)、(大呼小叫的声音冲帐外传来,有一群脚步坚实的兵士将大帐重重包围,看来这个老人的身份不同寻常。 (1) from outside, there are a group of soldiers with solid steps surrounding the account. It seems that the old man's identity is unusual. (2)、(一下车,雷宾就开始对着通讯器大呼小叫试图联络幸存者,同时斜挎着来复枪大大咧咧的就往里走,好像是来串门的。 (2) as soon as he gets out of the car, leibin starts yelling at the communicator, trying to contact the survivors. At the same time, leibin walks in with a rifle on his side, as if he's visiting. (3)、(呸,暗箭伤人的货色也敢这在大呼小叫,有种的和我们王家真刀真枪的明着干,背后里阴人都是不带种的祸。 (3); (bah, those who stab people in the back dare to yell. Those who have seeds and those who have real weapons and guns of the Wang family are doing it openly. Behind the scenes, the evil people are not carrying seeds. (4)、(这让他自己都觉得吃惊,前世坐个过山车都大呼小叫,几次想玩蹦极都临阵逃脱,现在临渊不惧,遇壑不惊,当真神奇。 (4); (this surprised him. In his previous life, he used to ride a roller coaster and scream. He tried to escape several times when he wanted to play bungee jumping. Now he is not afraid of the abyss and is not surprised when he meets a gully. It's really amazing. (5)、(若是换做以前,有人敢跟汝阳郡主大呼小叫,那无疑就是找死! (5), (if someone dares to yell at Princess Ruyang before, it's no doubt seeking death! ![]() |