奋发有为的近义词成语 【大有作为】 【奋发图强】 【发愤图强】 奋发有为的反义词四字词语 〖不务正业〗 〖自暴自弃〗 奋发有为的近义词成语带有解释 〖大有作为〗: 能充分发挥作用;能作出重大贡献。 〖发愤图强〗: 也作发奋图强。决心奋斗,谋求强盛。 〖奋发图强〗: 振作精神,努力奋斗,谋求强盛。 奋发有为的反义词四字词语带有解释 不务正业 [bùwùzhèngyè] 务:从事。指丢下本职工作不做,去搞其他的事情。 自暴自弃 [zìbàozìqì] 《孟子·离娄上》:“言非礼义,谓之自暴也;吾身不能居仁由义,谓之自弃也。”后用以形容自己甘心落后,不求上进。暴:糟蹋;损害。弃:抛弃,鄙弃。 关于奋发有为的详细解释 fènfāyǒuwéi 【成语的意思和解释】--精神振作,有所作为。 【成语来源出自哪里】--《元史陈祖仁传》:“孰不欲奋发有为,成不世之功。” 【成语繁体字写法】--奮發有為 【成语拼音简写】--ffyw 【褒义还是贬义】--褒义性质的成语四字词语,用来赞美表扬人和事 【成语使用办法和性质】--连动式;作谓语、定语;含褒义 【成语形式结构】--联合式成语 扩展阅读:用奋发有为写一句话 (1)、当此创巨痛深之后,正宜兴卧薪尝胆之思,枕戈待旦,洒涕誓众,励精图治,奋发有为。 (1) after the great pain, zhengyixing is thinking of sleeping on the grass and tasting the gall, waiting for the day to come, swearing to the masses with tears, making great efforts and making great achievements. (2)、只要我们奋发有为,什么事情都能做好! (2) as long as we work hard, we can do everything well! (3)、喜兔呈瑞,好运紧随;兔跃千山,生活壮美;兔头高昂,吐气扬眉;跳跳兔步,奔向富足;拍拍兔背,百寿福禄;捏捏兔腿,奋发有为!兔年祝你大有作为! (3) like the rabbit to show auspiciousness, and good luck to follow; the rabbit leaps thousands of mountains, and has a magnificent life; the rabbit head is high, and its eyebrows are high; the rabbit steps are high, and it rushes to wealth; pat the rabbit back, and it is baishoufulu; pinch the rabbit legs, and it is promising! I wish you great success in the year of rabbit! (4)、岁序更新中,找准方位,明晰得失,而奋发有为。 (4) in the renewal of the chronological order of the year, we should find the right position, make clear the gains and losses, and work hard. (5)、奋发有为的小张,何以一至于此,竟这么潦倒。 (5) why is Xiao Zhang so down and out. ![]() |