延年益寿的近义词成语 【祛病延年】 【美意延年】 【长生不老】 【长命百岁】 延年益寿的反义词四字词语 〖苟延残喘〗 〖贫病交迫〗 〖中途夭折〗 〖啼饥号寒〗 延年益寿的近义词成语带有解释 〖祛病延年〗: 祛:除去。除去疾病,延长寿命。 〖美意延年〗: 心情舒畅可以延长寿命。常作祝颂辞。《荀子·致士》:“得众动天,美意延年。”美意:乐观。 〖长命百岁〗: 寿命很长,能活到一百岁。常用作祝福长寿之词。 〖长生不老〗: 长生:永生。原为道教的话,后也用作对年长者的祝愿语。 延年益寿的反义词四字词语带有解释 啼饥号寒 [tíjīháohán] 因饥饿寒冷而哭啼,形容生活极端贫困。号(háo)。 贫病交迫 [pínbìngjiāopò] 贫穷和疾病一起压在身上。 苟延残喘 [gǒuyáncánchuǎn] 比喻暂时勉强维持生存(含贬义)。明马中锡《中山狼传》:“今日之事,何不使我得早处囊中,以苟延残喘乎!”苟延:勉强延续。残喘:临死前的喘息。 关于延年益寿的详细解释 yánniányìshòu 【成语的意思和解释】--延:延长;益:增加。扩展阅读:用延年益寿写一句话 (1)、从这个山洞中流出来的地下水,喝了能强身健体、延年益寿。 (1) drinking the groundwater from this cave can strengthen the body and prolong life. (2)、龙彦河是下游两岸百姓赖以生存的根本,加之龙彦河水甘甜,又有延年益寿之功效,所以两岸百姓平日里饮水也多赖于此河水。 (2) Longyan river is the foundation for the survival of the people on both sides of the lower reaches. In addition, Longyan river is sweet and has the effect of prolonging life, so people on both sides of the river also rely on it for drinking water. (3)、腹肌多按摩,增强肠蠕动;下肢多锻炼,防治腰腿疼;行走疾如风,血脉上下通;常做保健操,身壮体灵巧;防病又治病,延年益寿高。祝你健康! (3) massage more abdominal muscles to enhance intestinal peristalsis; exercise more lower limbs to prevent waist and leg pain; walk as fast as wind, blood flow up and down; often do health exercises to strengthen the body; prevent and treat diseases, prolong life. I wish you good health! (4)、并不是所有的放射性物质都对人体有害,比如说阳光,金坷垃和阳光一样,不但无害,反而对人体有益,还可以延年益寿。 (4) not all radioactive substances are harmful to human body. For example, like sunlight, jinkela is not only harmless, but also beneficial to human body and can prolong life. (5)、这是“快乐”牌短信,独家制作,质量上乘,具有驱愁解乏延年益寿、消病去灾招财进宝之功效。一人收到,全家幸福。 (5) this is the "happy" brand SMS, which is made exclusively and of high quality. It has the functions of dispelling worries, relieving fatigue, prolonging life, eliminating diseases, eliminating disasters and attracting wealth. One person receives, the whole family is happy. ![]() |