头痛医头的近义词成语 【没有相关词语】 头痛医头的反义词四字词语 〖没有相关词语〗 头痛医头的近义词成语带有解释 【头痛医头】 头痛医头的反义词四字词语带有解释 【头痛医头】 关于头痛医头的详细解释 头痛医头,脚痛医脚[ tóu tòng yī tóu,jiǎo tòng yī jiǎo ] [ tóu tòng yī tóu,jiǎo tòng yī jiǎo ] 比喻被动应付,对问题不作根本彻底的解决。 扩展阅读:用头痛医头写一句话 (1)、李英虎一行走后,洪尘庵把近日一连串发生的治安事件反复掂量,感觉终日头痛医头,脚痛医脚不是办法,恐怕要向芜湖道严尚大人效法,推行地方自治,联防联治。 (1) as soon as Li Yinghu walked, Hong chen'an pondered over the recent series of public security incidents. He felt that it was a headache all day long, but it was not the way to cure the foot pain. I'm afraid that he had to follow the example of Yan Shang of Wuhu Road, promoting local autonomy and joint prevention and governance. (2)、过去人类知识残缺不全,只能头痛医头,脚病治脚。 (2) in the past, human knowledge was incomplete, so we could only treat headache and foot disease. (3)、所谓“篱牢犬不入”,我们与其头痛医头,脚痛医脚,到处去找绿豆涨价的替罪羊,不如完善农产品价格体系,让市场炒作者无隙可入。 (3) the so-called "keeping the fence tight and keeping the dog out of the way" is that we should improve the price system of agricultural products and let the market speculators have no gap to enter instead of treating the headache and foot pain and looking for scapegoats for the price increase of mung beans everywhere. (4)、这个问题必须从根本上加以解决,头痛医头,脚痛医脚,总不是个办法。 (4) this problem must be solved fundamentally. It is not a good way to cure headache and foot pain. (5)、从考试成绩来看,只是头痛医头,脚痛医脚地补习功课不行,必须从最基本的知识补起才行。 (5) judging from the examination results, it's just a headache, but it's not good to cram lessons. We must start with the most basic knowledge. ![]() |