大大咧咧的近义词成语 【不拘小节】 大大咧咧的反义词四字词语 〖羞羞答答〗 大大咧咧的近义词成语带有解释 【大大咧咧】 大大咧咧的反义词四字词语带有解释 【大大咧咧】 关于大大咧咧的详细解释 dàdàliēliē 【成语的意思和解释】--形容待人处事随随便便,满不在乎。 【成语来源出自哪里】--清·石玉昆《小五义》第103回:“忽见由南往北来了数十头牛,大大咧咧地赶着牛,牛上骑着三个小孩子。” 【成语拼音简写】--ddll 【褒义还是贬义】--中性成语词语,没有明显褒义贬义批评或者赞美 【成语使用办法和性质】--作谓语、状语、定语;指人随便 【成语形式结构】--联合式成语 扩展阅读:用大大咧咧写一句话 (1)、一旁的屠少听了倒也不生气,虽然他平时大大咧咧,可是毕竟修炼到了这个阶段,还是能轻松区分逆耳忠言与顺风佞言的。 (1) Tu Shao on one side is not angry. Although he is usually careless, at this stage of his cultivation, he can easily distinguish between harsh advice and downwind advice. (2)、别看这个女孩一直都大大咧咧了,但是孙雪薇可以证明,她绝对还是一个玉洁冰清的处女,因为两个人几乎形影不离,就算是林芳恋爱的时候也是一样。 (2) although the girl is careless all the time, sun Xuewei can prove that she is absolutely a virgin, because they are almost inseparable, even when Lin Fang is in love. (3)、心惊,魔山这个人看起来大大咧咧,与叶来应该是属于同一种人,义薄云天的直肠子,但显然魔山比叶来的心思要更加细腻,对现今的服务器之间的制衡力量已然是洞若观火。 (3) I'm surprised that the man of magic mountain seems careless. He should belong to the same kind of people as ye Lai. He is righteous and honest, but it's obvious that the mind of magic mountain is more delicate than that of Ye Lai. He has a clear idea of the power of checks and balances between today's servers. (4)、冯桂兰说,儿子性格大大咧咧,不抠抠索索,在家孝顺。 (4) Feng Guilan said that his son was careless, not stingy and obedient at home. (5)、这时,老头大大咧咧的坐在小马扎上,从筷筒里抽出一双方便筷来,敲着桌子道:“小子,快点,老夫肚子饿坏了!”。 (5) at this time, the old man sat on the pony, took out a pair of chopsticks from the chopstick barrel, knocked on the table and said: "boy, hurry up, I'm hungry!". ![]() |