才德兼备的近义词成语 【德才兼备】 才德兼备的反义词四字词语 〖不得人心〗 才德兼备的近义词成语带有解释 【才德兼备】 才德兼备的反义词四字词语带有解释 【才德兼备】 关于才德兼备的详细解释 cái dé jiān bèi 【成语的意思和解释】-- 才:才能。德:品德。备:具备。才能和品德都具备。 【成语来源出自哪里】-- 元 无名氏《娶小乔》第一折:“江东有一故友,乃鲁子敬,此人才德兼备。” 【成语繁体字写法】-- 才惪兼備 【成语拼音简写】-- cdjb 【褒义还是贬义】-- 褒义性质的成语,用来赞美一个人和事情 【成语使用办法和性质】-- 作谓语、定语;指有德有才的人 【成语形式结构】-- 主谓式成语 扩展阅读:用才德兼备写一句话 (1)、蝴蝶有破茧而出的震撼,母亲有十月怀胎的辛苦,今朝您家喜得贵子,我送上我最真诚的祝福,愿宝宝能聪明美丽,智慧过人,才德兼备,全家健康幸福。 (1) the butterfly is shocked to come out of the cocoon, and the mother has the hard work to conceive in October. Now your family is happy to have your son. I send my most sincere wishes to the baby. I hope the baby will be smart, beautiful, intelligent, able and virtuous, and the whole family will be healthy and happy. (2)、因为她朝琴公主,上晓理,下达意,才德兼备的美名四传。 (2) because she is famous for her ability and moral integrity. (3)、一路上,菱元洪都在用一种纯洁的目光欣赏身边的杨帆,年轻俊朗,才德兼备,天资极高,他再也找不到比杨帆更合适的理想人选。 (3) along the way, Ling Yuanhong was appreciating Yang Fan with a kind of pure eyes. He was young, handsome, talented and highly talented. He could never find a more suitable ideal candidate than Yang Fan. (4)、他们,都是胸怀坦荡,才德兼备,颇得众望的君子。 (4) they are all gentlemen with broad mind, both ability and morality, and are quite popular. (5)、十四皇子才德兼备,年少有为,而小女从小顽劣,不知进退,恐没有福分与十四皇子结为连理,所以我希望皇子能够解除婚约! (5) the fourteenth Prince has both ability and moral integrity, and she is young and promising, but the little girl has been naughty since she was a child, and she doesn't know how to advance or retreat, so I'm afraid she won't be lucky enough to marry the fourteenth prince, so I hope the prince can break the engagement! ![]() |