微言大义的近义词成语 【言近旨远】 【言简意赅】 【微言精义】 【微言大谊】 【语重心长】 微言大义的反义词四字词语 〖空洞无物〗 微言大义的近义词成语带有解释 微言精义 [wēiyánjīngyì] 多就儒家经书而言。 言近旨远 [yánjìnzhǐyuǎn] 话说得浅近,而含义却很深远。 语重心长 [yǔzhòngxīncháng] 话语恳切而有分量,情意深长。 微言大谊 [wēiyándàyì] 包含在精微语言里的深刻的道理。同“微言大义”。 言简意赅 [yánjiǎnyìgāi] 语言简练而意思完备。赅(gāi):完备。 微言大义的反义词四字词语带有解释 【微言大义】 关于微言大义的详细解释 wēiyándàyì 【成语的意思和解释】--包含在精微语言里的深刻的道理。微:精深;大义:本指经书的要义;后指深远或深刻的意义。 【成语来源出自哪里】--清黄宗羲《移史馆论不宜立理学传书》:“其微言大义,苟非工大积久,能见本体。” 【成语繁体字写法】--微言大義 【成语拼音简写】--wydy 【褒义还是贬义】--中性成语词语,没有明显褒义贬义批评或者赞美 【成语使用办法和性质】--联合式;作主语、宾语;含褒义 【成语形式结构】--联合式成语 扩展阅读:用微言大义写一句话 (1)、(小子笨拙,听不懂上仙的微言大义,所以才会有些失态,还忘上仙原谅。 (1) the boy is clumsy. He can't understand the meaning of Shangxian's words, so he makes some gaffes and forgets Shangxian's forgiveness. (2)、(在那桂花树下,几名书生席地而坐,长桌后面一名长须老者巍然正坐,白衣高冠,口若悬河,正讲述着诗经中的微言大义。 (2) under the osmanthus tree, several scholars sit on the ground. Behind the long table, an old man with a long beard is sitting majestically, with a high crown in white and eloquent. He is talking about the great meaning of the book of songs. (3)、(一共八个字却称赞了两件事物,足可见微言大义的春秋笔法。 (3), (a total of eight words praises two things, which is enough to show the spring and autumn brushwork. (4)、(本想先埋下伏笔,方便以后诱拐赵平,没想到一番微言大义把老赵也感动了!武将认主后玩家就能看到麾下的属性了。 (4). (originally, I wanted to lay a foreshadowing for the convenience of abducting Zhao Ping in the future, but I didn't expect that Lao Zhao was also moved by his modest words! After the general recognized the master, the players could see the attributes of his subordinates. (5)、(在公羊学理论体系中,作为基本诠释法则的“例”,与作为基本价值目标的“微言大义”,具有同样重要的意义。 (5) in the theoretical system of Gongyang studies, the "example" as the basic principle of interpretation is as important as the "micro words and broad meaning" as the basic goal of value. |