归心似箭的近义词成语 【归心如箭】 【归去来兮】 归心似箭的反义词四字词语 〖乐不思蜀〗 〖浪迹天涯〗 归心似箭的近义词成语带有解释 〖归心如箭〗: 想回家的心情象射出的箭一样快。形容回家心切。 〖归去来兮〗: 归:返回。回去吧。指归隐乡里。 归心似箭的反义词四字词语带有解释 浪迹天涯 [làngjìtiānyá] 浪迹:到处流浪。到处流浪,足迹遍天下。 乐不思蜀 [lèbùsīshǔ] 《三国志·蜀书·后主传》裴松之注引《汉晋春秋》记载,蜀亡后,后主刘禅被安置在晋都洛阳。司马昭问他:“颇思蜀否?”他说:“此间乐,不思蜀。”后泛指乐而忘返或乐而忘本。 关于归心似箭的详细解释 guī xīn sì jiàn 【成语的意思和解释】-- 想回家的心情像射出的箭一样急。形容想回家的心情十分急切。 【成语来源出自哪里】-- 清 李汝珍《镜花缘》第94回:“不多时,穿过松林,渡过小溪,过了水月村,越过镜花岭,真是归心似箭。” 【成语繁体字写法】-- 歸心佀箭 【成语拼音简写】-- gxsj 【褒义还是贬义】-- 中性成语词语,没有明显褒义贬义 【成语使用办法和性质】-- 主谓式;作谓语;形容回家心切 【成语形式结构】-- 主谓式成语 扩展阅读:用归心似箭写一句话 (1)、佳节将至,游子心情:归心似箭,游子心愿:归家团圆,游子苦恼:一年赚钱少,游子回顾:一年奋斗为理想,游子总结:有钱无钱回家过年。愿在外的游子把幸福带足,把思念带满,一路平。 (1) as the festival is approaching, the mood of the wanderer is like an arrow, the wish of the wanderer is to return home and reunite, the trouble of the wanderer is to make less money in one year, the review of the wanderer is to strive for the ideal in one year, and the conclusion of the wanderer is to go home for the new year with money but no money. May the Wanderers bring enough happiness and full thoughts, and have a peaceful journey. (2)、放假的日子越来越近了,在外求学的哥哥归心似箭。 (2) the day of vacation is getting closer and closer, and my brother, who is studying abroad, is eager to return home. (3)、一到星期天,我简直归心似箭。 (3) when it comes to Sunday, I feel like I'm going home. (4)、一抹斜阳挂远山,鸾凤归巢寒舍间,归心似箭不疲倦,痴情梦呓落朱颜,北风也怜玉楼冷,梦回故里续琴弦。想你,就像我对你的爱,太阳与向日葵情意绵绵! (4) with a touch of setting sun hanging on the distant mountain, the Phoenix and the phoenix return to their homes in the cold. They are eager to return to their homes. They are not tired. They are infatuated with each other and fall in love with each other. The north wind is also pitying for the cold of the jade building. They dream of returning to their hometown to continue the string. Miss you, just like my love for you, the sun and sunflower love! (5)、又是一年春运忙,回家过年像赶场。兔年专列来开道,一票难求俱过往。佳节思亲入梦乡,归心似箭心慌慌。兜里有钱胆气壮,平安喜庆添吉祥! (5) it's another busy spring festival. Going home for the new year is like going to the market. The year of the rabbit train opens the way. It's hard to get a ticket. I feel like an arrow when I fall asleep during the festival. Money in the pocket, courage, peace and happiness add auspicious! ![]() |