快马加鞭的近义词成语 【再接再厉】 【马不停蹄】 快马加鞭的反义词四字词语 〖慢条斯理〗 〖老牛破车〗 快马加鞭的近义词成语带有解释 〖再接再厉〗: 唐韩愈和孟郊《斗鸡联句》中孟郊的诗句:“一喷一醒然,再接再厉乃。”指公鸡相斗,每次交锋以前先磨一下嘴。后用以指一次又一次加倍努力。接:交战。厉:同“砺”,磨快。 〖马不停蹄〗: 比喻一刻也不停留,一直前进。 快马加鞭的反义词四字词语带有解释 慢条斯理 [màntiáosīlǐ] 形容动作缓慢,不慌不忙:他说话做事总是~的。 老牛破车 [lǎoniúpòchē] 比喻做事缓慢拖拉,功效很差。也比喻年老体衰,勉强应付某事。 关于快马加鞭的详细解释 kuài mǎ jiā biān 【成语的意思和解释】--对本来跑得很快的马再打几鞭。比喻快上加快。 【成语来源出自哪里】--明 徐姬《杀狗记 看书苦谏》:“何不快马加鞭,迳赶至苍山,救取伯伯。” 【成语繁体字写法】--快馬加鞭 【成语拼音简写】--kmjb 【褒义还是贬义】--褒义性质的成语,用来赞美一个人和事情 【成语使用办法和性质】--主谓式;作谓语、状语;含褒义 【成语形式结构】--紧缩式成语 扩展阅读:用快马加鞭写一句话 (1)、象征性长跑,我们目前已经名列全校第二名,只要我们再快马加鞭,一定能夺得冠军。 (1) symbolic long-distance running, we have been ranked second in the school, as long as we speed up, we will win the championship. (2)、一马当先迎新年,快马加鞭干劲添.马到成功事业辉,万马奔腾勇往前.二〇一四马当先,富裕道路马首昂.阔步向前显马威,马年福禄寿康安.愿君新年快乐欢! (2) take the lead to welcome the new year, and make great efforts. The horse will succeed, and ten thousand horses will gallop forward bravely. In 2014, the horse will take the lead, and the road of prosperity will be prosperous. March forward to show the power of the horse, and the year of the horse will be prosperous, prosperous and healthy. I wish you a happy New Year! (3)、在大炼钢铁的形势鼓舞下,重庆钢铁厂快马加鞭,在二月份又创高产纪录。 (3) inspired by the situation of large-scale steel making, Chongqing Iron and steel works speeded up and set a record of high production in February. (4)、大红灯笼美满红彤照前程,彩旗飘扬幸福召唤乘马腾,大红福字丰收窗花丰年兆,锣鼓敲响快马加鞭事业创。祝朋友:骑马驰骋天下闯,英雄豪杰高管当! (4) the bright red lanterns are shining on the future, the colorful flags are flying, the call for happiness is riding on the horse, the big red lucky words are bumper harvest, the window flowers are promising, the gongs and drums are beating, and the cause is created quickly. I wish my friends: riding around the world, pioneering, heroic executives when! (5)、洛水蓁快马加鞭在天黑之前到了夏州的边城——漠城,找了家客栈,又换了身男装,略微显得有些瘦弱,这里鱼龙混杂,向她这种瘦弱之人,最易受到各种攻击**。 (5) before dark, Luoshui Zhen quickly went to desert city, the border town of xiazhou, found an inn and changed into men's clothes. She looked a little thin and weak. There were a lot of good and bad people here. She was the most vulnerable to all kinds of attacks and insults. ![]() |