堆积如山的近义词成语 【比比皆是】 【无穷无尽】 【触目皆是】 【数不胜数】 堆积如山的反义词四字词语 〖寥如晨星〗 〖寥寥无几〗 〖九牛一毛〗 〖一扫而光〗 〖屈指可数〗 〖凤毛麟角〗 堆积如山的近义词成语带有解释 〖无穷无尽〗: 穷:完。没有止境,没有限度。 〖比比皆是〗: 比比:一个挨一个。到处都是,形容极其常见。 〖触目皆是〗: 触目:接触到视线。眼睛所看到的地方,到处都是。 〖数不胜数〗: 数也数不过来,形容很多。 堆积如山的反义词四字词语带有解释 寥寥无几 [liáoliáowújǐ] 寥寥:形容数量少。非常稀少,没有几个。 一扫而光 [yīsǎoérguāng] 一下子就扫除干净。 九牛一毛 [jiǔniúyīmáo] 很多牛身上的一根毛。比喻微不足道。汉司马迁《报任安书》:“假令仆伏法受诛,若九牛亡一毛,与蝼蚁何以异?” 屈指可数 [qūzhǐkěshǔ] 形容数目很少,扳着手指头就能数过来。 凤毛麟角 [fèngmáolínjiǎo] 《南史·谢超宗传》:“超宗殊有凤毛。”《北史·文苑传序》:“学者如牛毛,成者如麟角。”后比喻极其难得而宝贵的东西。也比喻罕见的人才。 寥如晨星 [liáorúchénxīng] 寥如晨星,汉语成语,解释为稀少得就像早上的星星一样 关于堆积如山的详细解释 堆积如山[ duī jī rú shān ] [ duī jī rú shān ] 聚集成堆,如同小山。形容极多。 扩展阅读:用堆积如山写一句话 (1)、(2014年11月27日,昆明城郊云南新源报废汽车拆解中心里,待拆解的报废汽车堆积如山。 (1) on November 27, 2014, a mountain of scrapped cars were piled up in Yunnan Xinyuan scrapped car dismantling Center on the outskirts of Kunming. (2)、(顿时整个军营开始沸腾,而韩离则开始让侯爵府的护卫开始往军营中一车一车不停地输送酒肉,而那些士兵见到堆积如山的酒肉顿时疯狂了…… (2) the whole barracks began to boil, while Han Li began to let the guards of Marquis's house deliver wine and meat to the barracks, and the soldiers became crazy when they saw the mountain of wine and meat (3)、(杨小坏一脸的讪笑,这面前堆积如山的行李,假如让自己一个人搬得话,这还不是得搬到猴年马月去了。 (3) with a smile on his face, Yang xiaobad has a mountain of luggage piled up in front of him. If he is allowed to move it alone, he will have to move it to hounianmayue. (4)、(平安夜,送你一个许愿瓶:愿圣诞礼物堆积如山,圣诞祝福收也收不完,健康平安与你终生相伴,日子过得幸福美满!转发此条短信,愿望就会实现。 (4) on Christmas Eve, I'll give you a wish bottle: May the Christmas gifts pile up like mountains, and the Christmas blessings never end. Health and safety will accompany you all your life, and you will live a happy life! Forward this message and your wish will come true. (5)、(一个灵剂师,一个炼丹师,我保证绝对能够一炮打响,赚取堆积如山的灵晶。 (5) as an elixir and alchemist, I promise that I can make a big bang and earn a mountain of elixirs. ![]() |