居功自傲的近义词成语 【居功自满】 【恃功矜能】 【居功自恃】 居功自傲的反义词四字词语 〖不耻下问〗 〖功成不居〗 〖不敢告劳〗 〖谦虚谨慎〗 〖不矜不伐〗 居功自傲的近义词成语带有解释 【居功自傲】 居功自傲的反义词四字词语带有解释 不矜不伐 [bùjīnbùfá] 矜、伐:自夸自大。不自经为了不起,不为自己吹嘘。形容谦逊。 功成不居 [gōngchéngbùjū] 《老子·二章》:“生而不有,为而不恃,功成而不(一作弗)居。”后用以表示立了功而不把功劳归于自己。 谦虚谨慎 [qiānxūjǐnshèn] 形容人虚心礼让,小心谨慎。 不敢告劳 [bùgǎngàoláo] 《诗经·小雅·十月之交》:“黾(mǐn)勉从事,不敢告劳。”意思是努力作事而不诉说自己的劳苦。后多用作谦辞,指不值得诉说自己的劳苦。有时也指不辞辛劳。 不耻下问 [bùchǐxiàwèn] 《论语·公冶长》:“敏而好学,不耻下问。”指向地位、学问不如自己的人请教而不感到丢面子。 关于居功自傲的详细解释 居功自傲[ jū gōng zì ào ] [ jū gōng zì ào ] 居功:自恃有功。自以为有功劳而骄傲自大。 扩展阅读:用居功自傲写一句话 (1)、(是啊,大部分人都喜欢谦虚的人,不喜欢那种傲气的人,他们认为傲气就是居功自傲反而那些摇尾乞怜一般的谦卑让他们觉得舒适。 (1), (yes, most people like modest people, but they don't like arrogant people. They think that arrogance is to be proud of one's own merits. On the contrary, they feel comfortable with the general humility of begging for mercy. (2)、(如今袁术不仅持有玉玺,还坐拥长安,更会居功自傲,呼幺喝六。 (2) nowadays, Yuan Shu not only holds the jade seal, but also sits in Chang'an, and is more proud of himself. (3)、(额?怎么那些自视甚高,居功自傲的人是你的手下。 (3), (er? How come those people who think highly of themselves and are proud of themselves are your subordinates. (4)、(赵军赶紧谗媚的说道,他早就学会了一抬大轿要众人抬的道理,这种场合他要是居功自傲的话结局可能还会和以前一样惨。 (4) Zhao Jun quickly slandered and said that he had learned to lift the big sedan chair to the public for a long time. If he was proud of himself, he might end up as miserable as before. (5)、(张居正再三叮咛谭戚两人务必谦恭退让,不要居功自傲,警告说,北兵积愤于南兵久矣,他们多方罗致,务在挫辱之,所以务从谦抑,毋自启侮。 (5) Zhang Juzheng repeatedly urged Tan Qi and his colleagues to be modest and give in, and not to be proud of their merits. He warned that the northern soldiers had been angry with the southern soldiers for a long time, and that they should be modest instead of insulting them. ![]() |