差之毫厘的近义词成语 【差若毫厘】 【差以千里】 【失之千里】 差之毫厘的反义词四字词语 〖没有相关词语〗 差之毫厘的近义词成语带有解释 〖差若毫厘〗: 差若毫厘比喻开始失误虽小,结果损失很大的意思.,出自汉代司马迁《史记·一三〇卷·太史公自序》中的《春秋》中。 〖失之千里〗: 失误虽小,结果损失很大。 〖差以千里〗: 只稍微差一点儿,就会造成很大差误或错误。亦称“失之毫厘,谬以千里”。 差之毫厘的反义词四字词语带有解释 【差之毫厘】 关于差之毫厘的详细解释 【差之毫厘】 扩展阅读:用差之毫厘写一句话 (1)、“差之毫厘,谬以千里”,“蝼蚁之穴,溃千里之堤”,“小隙沉舟”,等等,说的也都是这个道理。 (1), "the slightest difference is a thousand miles away", "the nest of mole ants, breaking the dike of a thousand miles away", "sinking a boat in a small gap", and so on. (2)、然而尽管后两跳的动作越做越好,但伊娃离过竿还是差之毫厘,最终以排名垫底的结果结束自己本次世锦赛之旅。 (2) although the last two jumps are getting better and better, EVA is still very close to the pole and ends her world championship with the bottom result. (3)、盈亏在建仓时出现的因素,差之毫厘失之千里金银市场中并非天天都有机会赚钱,行情有明朗和不明朗之分,操作就有可做和不可做之别。 (3) the factors of profit and loss in the process of building a position are very close. In the gold and silver market, there are not opportunities to make money every day. There are clear and uncertain market conditions, and there are differences between what can be done and what can not be done. (4)、对于阴宅的穴场,选位子就显得十分重要,差之毫厘,失之千里。 (4) for the acupoint field of the Yin House, it is very important to choose a seat, which is a thousand miles away. (5)、在魔法戒指的制作中,差之毫厘失之千里。 (5) in the making of magic rings, there is no difference. ![]() |