抚今思昔的近义词成语 【抚今悼昔】 【抚今追昔】 【抚今痛昔】 抚今思昔的反义词四字词语 〖没有相关词语〗 抚今思昔的近义词成语带有解释 〖抚今痛昔〗: 因眼前事物而引起对往事的追思。同“抚今悼昔”。 〖抚今追昔〗: 接触当前的事物而回想过去。也说抚今思昔。 〖抚今悼昔〗: 因眼前事物而引起对往事的追思。 抚今思昔的反义词四字词语带有解释 【抚今思昔】 关于抚今思昔的详细解释 fǔjīnsīxī 【成语的意思和解释】--见“抚今悼昔”。 【成语来源出自哪里】--秦牧《长街灯语一九七九年的晨钟》:“抚今思昔,心头掀起了思想的浪花。” 【成语拼音简写】--fjsx 【褒义还是贬义】--中性成语词语,没有明显褒义贬义批评或者赞美 【成语使用办法和性质】--作谓语、宾语、分句;指谈古论今 【成语形式结构】--联合式成语 扩展阅读:用抚今思昔写一句话 (1)、当时正值劫难,抚今思昔,遂书五言律数章以赋。 (1) at that time, it was a time of calamity, so he wrote several chapters of the five character law. (2)、抚今思昔,老人十分感慨,“那会儿我们家两个小院,盖了72间房,住了上百口人,成天乱哄哄的。 (2) thinking about the past and the present, the old man sighed, "at that time, we had two small courtyards, built 72 rooms, and lived in hundreds of people. (3)、抚今思昔,激情澎湃,历史将记住这5年。 (3) the past and the present are full of passion. History will remember these five years. (4)、承先辈嘉言遗风,抚今思昔;继前贤懿德亮节,慎终追远。 (4) carry on the legacy of our ancestors' good words, reflect on the past and the present, and follow the good virtue of our predecessors to pursue the future cautiously. (5)、在随后进行的劳模座谈会上,老人们抚今思昔,道出了悠悠60年间他们心中浓得化不开的新百情结。 (5) at the subsequent model workers' forum, the old people reflected on the past and the present, and expressed a new hundred complex in their hearts for 60 years. ![]() |