平安无事的近义词成语 【平平安安】 【安然无事】 【风平浪静】 【安然无恙】 平安无事的反义词四字词语 〖生命垂危〗 〖狼烟四起〗 〖在劫难逃〗 〖九死一生〗 平安无事的近义词成语带有解释 (一)、风平浪静:指没有风浪。比喻平静无事。风平浪静 (二)、安然无恙:恙:病。原指人平安没有疾病。现泛指事物平安未遭损安然无恙 (三)、九死一生:九:表示极多。形容经历很大危险而幸存。也形容处在九死一生 (四)、安然无事:犹言平安无事。安然无事 平安无事的反义词四字词语带有解释 生命垂危 [shēngmìngchuíwēi] 垂死/生命即将结束/接近死亡之日。 狼烟四起 [lángyānsìqǐ] 四处有报警的烽火,指边疆不平靖。 在劫难逃 [zàijiénántáo] 命中注定要遭受祸害,逃也逃不脱(迷信)。现在借指坏事情一定要发生,要避免也避免不了。 九死一生 [jiǔsǐyīshēng] 形容经历许多次危险而幸存下来。 关于平安无事的详细解释 píngānwúshì 【成语的意思和解释】--平平安安,没出什么事故。 【成语来源出自哪里】--元无名氏《昊天塔孟良盗骨》第二折:“哥哥将令,着兄弟巡界河去,平安无事,回哥哥的话来。” 【成语繁体字写法】--平安無事 【成语拼音简写】--paws 【褒义还是贬义】--中性成语词语,没有明显褒义贬义批评或者赞美 【成语使用办法和性质】--作谓语、宾语;指安全 【成语形式结构】--联合式成语 扩展阅读:用平安无事写一句话 (1)、粟麦喝了半斤空肚酒,脸色柔和许多,她抬起头,冲帅歌笑了笑,说她以前在医专读书时,喝过掺了辣椒的劣质烧酒,别人都醉得上吐下泻,只有她平安无事。 (1) after drinking half a jin of empty stomach wine, Su Mai's face was much softer. She raised her head and laughed at Shuai Ge, saying that when she was studying in the medical college, she had drunk inferior Shaojiu mixed with pepper, and others were so drunk that she was the only one who was safe. (2)、佛家认为只要多做好事,就会逢凶化吉、平安无事。 (2) Buddhists believe that as long as they do more good deeds, they will turn the bad into the good and be safe. (3)、平安夜祝福点评语:人品:公平正直。性格:四平八稳。特点:平易近人。家庭:歌舞升平。事业:平步青云。财运:七平八满。健康:心平气定。总结:平安无事。希望:欢若平生。祝你:。 (3) comments on Christmas Eve blessing points: character: fairness and integrity. Character: stable. Features: approachable. Family: singing and dancing. Career: smooth progress. Fortune: seven even eight full. Health: calm. Conclusion: it's safe. Hope: happy life. Best wishes to you. (4)、夏云洛听到爹娘两个字,顿时也清醒了,他急忙往门外跑出去,此时此刻,他只想要见到爹娘平安无事。 (4) when Xia Yunluo hears the words "parents", he immediately wakes up and runs out of the door. At this moment, he just wants to see his parents safe and sound. (5)、赖瑞:什麽?喔,那个啊。呵,只要别把盖子打开,我们就平安无事。 (5) Larry: what? Oh, that one. Oh, as long as we don't open the lid, we'll be all right. ![]() |