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(1) Wenping village is located in the deep mountain of Nanhe Town, Gucheng County. The mountain is surrounded by water, the cooking smoke is curling, the dog barks and the chicken chirps, which is like an ink painting.

(2) standing on the top of the mountain, you can see a village in the middle of the mountain full of ancient flavor, surrounded by green trees, the sound of chickens and dogs filling the alleys, and the smoke curling up on the branches.

(3) the smoke of cooking is curling up, which is the taste of home. Especially enchanting, the taste of winter. The taste of love. Happy, the taste of smile. It's the taste of love. Good wine, good food, the taste of new year. Happy New Year's day. I wish you well.

(4) it's a quiet afternoon, the cottages are quiet, the chickens are barking, the dogs are barking, the alleys are smelling occasionally, and the cooking smoke is curling up the branches.

(5) the cooking smoke curls on the new house with bucket rack that he has just repaired. In the side room next to the main room, the burning firewood in the stove makes the room warm.

(6) the smoke from the kitchen is curling. It's the calls from the roof and the clouds. Three times a day, I can't finish talking. Lu Su
(7) on Yesanpo in the early morning, the sun rises before the morning fog disperses, and the mountains and rivers are bathed in the golden morning light. A roaring sound of the locomotive awakened the sleeping Yesanpo. Suddenly, smoke curled up and the whole village began to boil.

(8) in the dangerous section, the river under the dike is surging, the water level has already flooded half of the body of the wave forest, and there is still a lot of traffic on the dike; in the dike, there are several houses with smoke curling up, and an old woman sitting at the door of the house is shaking the fan leisurely.

(9) the mountain peak is separated from the surrounding area by the orogeny. When it is sunny, you can see the golden light reflected from the top of Gongga Mountain and the smoke curling up in the distance.

(10) with the crowing of chickens and the barking of dogs and the curling of cooking smoke, people in the mountain village wake up and start a busy day again.

















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