坐观成败造句写一句话简单的 (1)、另,齐王李景遂眼见祸事将起,坐观成败,其心可诛,废齐王位,贬为庶人,迁其家眷于吉州,无皇命不得回京。 (2)、主公,切不可蛇鼠两端,坐观成败,不然两军必然都深怨我荆州,怕是从此我等不得中立! (3)、刘琮此言一出,大部分文士尽皆点头不语,因为刘琮的策略是荆州最典型的策略,也是荆州牧刘表的传统策略,那就是坐观成败,希图自保。 (4)、这对堂兄弟,都知道曹操的了徐州的后果,却都想着对方发兵,自己坐观成败,收取渔翁之利。 (5)、壁上观,即不插手,在一旁坐观成败。又作作壁上观。 (6)、如今羌王坐观成败,并不一助,诚为可恨。 (7)、过去这几个小厂各行其是,互相坐观成败,现在携手并进,互相合作。 (8)、但我们也无暇以顾,只得坐观成败,以后江东若成了蓝火的天下那蓝火就是这三分天下的其中之一,取代了孙权。 (9)、今不劳兵马,坐观成败,关两虎而收长久之利,上策也。 (10)、诸路诸侯虽各带大军,相会聚合,但若各自恃兵怙力,坐观成败,不肯同心共胆,共齐进退,则自败瓦解也! (11)、他表面上保持中立,其实是在坐观成败. (12)、看他沩山老作家相见,只管坐观成败。 (13)、你看,袁术篡逆,天子诏令各地诸侯举兵除贼,可是他们坐观成败,单等着看我的笑话。 (14)、陆逊亦知其意,故假作兴兵之势以应之,实是坐观成败耳。 (15)、胜败兵家常事,何必请罪?只是如今刘备大军攻我,曹军既已出骆谷、斜谷,为何按兵不动,坐观成败?可去一人催促他出兵。 坐观成败造句带有中英文翻译写一段话 (1)、岳飞,你官居显爵,不思发兵扫北,以报国恩,反按兵不动,坐观成败,又且克减军粮,你怎么解释? (1) Yue Fei, you live in xianjue, and you don't want to send troops to sweep the north in return for your country's favor. Instead, you just sit still and watch for success or failure, and then reduce military supplies. How do you explain that (2)、今不劳兵马,坐观成败,关两虎而收长久之利,上策也。 (2) it's the best policy to close the two tigers and reap long-term benefits without any hard work. (3)、这对堂兄弟,都知道曹操的了徐州的后果,却都想着对方发兵,自己坐观成败,收取渔翁之利。 (3) the cousins all know the consequences of Cao Cao's death in Xuzhou, but they all think about the other side's sending troops, and they sit back and watch the success or failure, and collect the profits of the fishermen. (4)、日者宴安上流,坐观成败,示遣疲卒,众裁三千,戎马不供,军粮靡献。 (4) in Japan, those who were in the upper class enjoyed banquets, watched the success or failure, sent tired soldiers, cut three thousand troops, refused to provide troops and food. (5)、陆逊亦知其意,故假作兴兵之势以应之,实是坐观成败耳。 (5) Lu Xun also knew what he meant, so he pretended to be active in fighting to cope with it. He was really watching. (6)、他表面上保持中立,其实是在坐观成败. (6) he seems to be neutral, but in fact he is just sitting on the sidelines and watching the success or failure (7)、诸路诸侯虽各带大军,相会聚合,但若各自恃兵怙力,坐观成败,不肯同心共胆,共齐进退,则自败瓦解也! (7) although the princes of all roads lead their own armies and gather together, they will be defeated and disintegrated if they rely on their own military strength, sit back and watch the success or failure, refuse to work together and advance and retreat together! (8)、另,齐王李景遂眼见祸事将起,坐观成败,其心可诛,废齐王位,贬为庶人,迁其家眷于吉州,无皇命不得回京。 In addition, Li jingsui, the king of Qi, saw that the disaster was coming and watched the success or failure. His heart was to blame. He abolished the throne of Qi and demoted him to a common man. He moved his family to Jizhou and was not allowed to return to Beijing without the emperor's order. (9)、看他沩山老作家相见,只管坐观成败。 (9) to see him meet an old writer in Taishan, just sit back and see if he succeeds. (10)、过去这几个小厂各行其是,互相坐观成败,现在携手并进,互相合作。 (10) in the past, these small factories went their own ways and watched each other's success or failure. Now they go hand in hand and cooperate with each other. 坐观成败造句写一句话复杂的 (一)、看他沩山老作家相见,只管坐观成败。 (二)、日者宴安上流,坐观成败,示遣疲卒,众裁三千,戎马不供,军粮靡献。 (三)、但我们也无暇以顾,只得坐观成败,以后江东若成了蓝火的天下那蓝火就是这三分天下的其中之一,取代了孙权。 (四)、正义和邪恶的斗争,我们不能坐观成败,一定要捍卫正义。 (五)、今不劳兵马,坐观成败,关两虎而收长久之利,上策也。 (六)、另,齐王李景遂眼见祸事将起,坐观成败,其心可诛,废齐王位,贬为庶人,迁其家眷于吉州,无皇命不得回京。 (七)、曹操与袁绍必有一战,主公可固守淮南坐观成败。 (八)、陆逊亦知其意,故假作兴兵之势以应之,实是坐观成败耳。 (九)、刘琮此言一出,大部分文士尽皆点头不语,因为刘琮的策略是荆州最典型的策略,也是荆州牧刘表的传统策略,那就是坐观成败,希图自保。 (十)、你看,袁术篡逆,天子诏令各地诸侯举兵除贼,可是他们坐观成败,单等着看我的笑话。 (十一)、诸路诸侯虽各带大军,相会聚合,但若各自恃兵怙力,坐观成败,不肯同心共胆,共齐进退,则自败瓦解也! (十二)、他表面上保持中立,其实是在坐观成败. (十三)、岳飞,你官居显爵,不思发兵扫北,以报国恩,反按兵不动,坐观成败,又且克减军粮,你怎么解释? (十四)、惟丕仍不欲助吴,坐观成败,只是按兵不动。 (十五)、胜败兵家常事,何必请罪?只是如今刘备大军攻我,曹军既已出骆谷、斜谷,为何按兵不动,坐观成败?可去一人催促他出兵。 |