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1、 who can stop me is me.只有我才能使自己停下来

2、 我没有退出.我奋斗着度过最艰难的时期!

3、 !i always think i could miss shots and believe that the t is going in,i just keep fighting我一直以为我会投失之前,我相信我会先进去!我只是不停地奋斗.

4、 不要回头看!我的过去教会了我很多,我并不羞愧。它让我明白,我周围的东西一眨眼就会丢失。.它告诉我,无论别人怎么想,永远相信自己有多重要.

5、 they can not break me . the only way to break me is to kill me,and everything that does not kill me makes me stronger除非他们杀了我,否则他们不能打败我,任何不能杀了我的人只会让我更坚强!

6、 no matter what ,just do not give up .always believe that your dream can come true just keep working for what you want to achieve无论如何都不要放弃。始终相信你的梦想是可以实现的,并努力为之奋斗

7、 i am what i am我就是我"我不是一个伟大的人,一个道德清白的人,一个衣冠楚楚的人,一个听话的儿子,一个尽职尽责的父亲,一个善良的丈夫,一个好朋友,甚至我根本不是一个好人。暴力和*工都与我的名字有关。很多人说我离经背道......然而,没有人能否认我是一个伟大的球员,连上帝都不能。

8、 别让我犯错mdash;mdash;我爱贾森-基德是一名优秀的组织后卫hellip;hellip;但当我认为我是最好的组织后卫时,我应该如何把自己和他比较呢?这并不重要,我的意思是,如果我总是认为我是最好的,那么我怎么能坐在这里和别人比较呢?hellip;hellip;我想告诉你的是:我很清楚我是nba我不需要任何人告诉我最好的组织后卫。当我走进篮球时

9、 its all about always believing,ive seen the bad side of life and i survived.now,i plan to enjoy the good side. and i dont plan to look back. my past has taught me a lot,and im not ashamed of it,it taught me how quickly things can be taken away from you. it taught me how important it is to believe in yourself even if others turn their back on you. it wasnt easy waking up in a cell. but it wouldve been easier to quit. i didnt do that. i fought through the hard times那些都是

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