sun * - life - dream @ ALONE History leva me Anyway° Overdoes need you Weare one `_single. overdose^ - Overdose - superman = lonely = Girls time MICHAEL。 SEHUN LOVE We Are One = I am fine = The sun = Be with me. Frown皱眉 Let me free Only miss i Only you! We are one* anesthesia. runningman! wait for me = husband$ = = stranger = A lie.谎言 Always smile Drop* 下落 Lemon-青柠 Stop and go. Tiamo-叛逆 TroubleMaker We Are Young justinbieber someone like surperman! take a bow * °Magic’ ゞBonnieゝ 纯情shit° Lovers 妳我 Melove℡起` après 后来 bigbangis vip only ✿ we are one! 失念pain゜ 姿色Amor゜ Alone“孤独 Charm 猫姬 S Frown‘皱眉 Le cuer 吾心 Need-不需要 Overdose上瘾 Sandm。旧颜 Scar.疤痕。 [心疤] Heart seven。昔年 shadow. 影子 ★Empty dream 失念 pain。 女王Sophie ^ 旧爱°Review = Hero = 英雄 = Rose = 玫瑰 =Maybe *=或许 Deep sea.深海 Feeble。苍白 Promise°魅眸 Reindeer-驯鹿 overdose 中毒 格调Moment゜ = Alone = 独自 = blank = 空白 = cad / = 无赖 Extreme。虐心 Fairy°好菇凉 Gong on╯寂寞 Kiie丶素颜灬 Memory-痴情“ Moment ° 格调 Monster [怪物] OverDsoe 上瘾i Provenceo 旧梦 Provenceo 空城 pursue. 追逐 b trammels. 羁绊 寻找爱Looking 拾忆 Dreams▼ 未亡Sakitam゜ 爱囚 Ragingヽ Forbidden°禁忌 Unique▼ 唯一o °Distance.距离 ≯℡__Kan透↙ 暖兮princess゜ 热柔情°Active ☂ .·Alone° Amro°(姿色) Manjusaka丶凄美 Noisy 闹 ✘ i need you✘ 小情绪 Triste * 时光纪Bound っ ♚ Bury.埋葬 Destiny(命运)o don\\\'t Cry àī ωǒ Ьīé zǒ 尘埃落定Somnr▼ Just the way you are. forever°为你锁心 Heartbeat [心跳] Mascara(烟熏妆) 他的梦里只有她. ﹌旧情劫Sadness▲ Vitamin、(维他命) 住不进你心里我怪谁i In you me heat你在我记忆 As Long As You Love Me✡ 你好mo\\\'sheng\\\'人 |
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