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1、 Unexpected events,we can learn more.

2、 环境越困难,精神越努力。

3、 Youth is happy,because it is promising.

4、 渐进思想是创新的最大敌人。

5、 赢别人的时候不要失去自己。

6、 通过苦难变得明智并非坏事。

7、 意想不到的事件可以让我们学习

8、 水到清则无鱼,人到贱则无敌!

9、 Don39;t win the others,but lost themselves.

10、 Thought is the biggest enemy of innovation.

11、 Distance has disappeared,innovation,or death.

12、 And become wise by suffering is not a bad thing.

13、 When the world to seed weight,it will use a way.

14、 任何性能的质变都来自量变的积累。

15、 心中不怕有乌云,就怕久阴不能晴。

16、 懈怠会导致无聊,无聊会导致懒惰。

17、 青春之所以幸福,是因为它有前途。

18、 Life is like fishing,a pole in hand,infinite hope.

19、 生活就像钓鱼,一竿在手,希望无穷。

20、 距离已经消失,要么创新,要么死亡。

21、 Water to pure have no fish,people to mean invincible!

22、 Boredom can lead to boredom,boredom can lead to laziness.

23、 The more difficult environment,spirit more vigorous efforts.

24、 雄关漫道真的像铁一样,现在从零开始迈步。

25、 The trickle once stopped roaring,the vast sea stopped breathing.

26、 A man too long with a mask of life,will gradually forget yourself.

27、 有些路只能一个人走,只有自己知道路上的艰辛。

28、 俗话说:身体是革命的本钱,到了哪一代都是名言。

29、 Some road,only a person to go,the hardships of the road,only to know.

30、 幸福就是只要手,即使失去了方向感,也不会害怕。

31、 当世界压迫草籽时,它总是用自己的方法破土而出。

32、 爱情就像一条河。我们都是瞎子。谁不碰石头过河?

33、 North-west 39;really like iron,and now moving more from the beginning.

34、 Confidence,perseverance and courage are all three,nothing is impossible.

35、 如果你不限制自己,生活中就没有障碍限制你的发挥。

36、 涓涓细流一旦停止了喧哗,浩浩大海也就终止了呼吸。

37、 一个人带着假面生活太久,会逐渐忘记自己原来的样子。

38、 在你最冷的时候,有人不顾自己寒冷抱着你,这就是幸福。

39、 Heart does not fear the dark clouds,and they were afraid to long Yin not clear.

40、 If not to their limits,there is no restriction on the life of the fence you play.

41、 Love is like a river,we are blind,who is not feeling the stones across the river?

42、 男人赚钱后想和妻子离婚,男人赚不到钱,妻子想和他离婚。

43、 When you are cold,some people regardless of their cold embrace you,this is happiness.

44、 信心、毅力有信心、毅力和勇气,世界上就没有什么是不可能的。

45、 Happiness is as long as the hand,even if lost the sense of direction,also won39;t be afraid.

46、 Any qualitative transformation of outstanding achievements comes from quantitative accumulation.

47、 As the saying goes: the body is the capital of revolution,which generation is the famous saying.

48、 Men want to make money and his wife divorced,men earn less than the money the wife wanted to divorce him.

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