1、Three stages of life: Birth, WTF, Death 2、I feel like I’m already tired tomorrow 3、明日還沒到,我便已經非常累了。 4、人生三階段:出世、不清楚在幹麻、身亡 5、Me: I want to travel more Bank Account: Like to the park? 6、我喜歡洗超燙的熱水澡,為了將來种植獄做準備。 7、I take super hot showers because I’d like to practice burning in hell 8、我:我想要多出来旅遊。我的銀行帳戶:哪裡?公園嗎? 9、Birth certificates are just receipts for human beings How and where can Ireturn myself? 10、記住,永遠都需要做你自己!(面試、相处早期及其各種社交媒体場合以外) 11、出世證明其實便是人類的收據,那請問一下我該去哪里裡又怎样把自身退貨呢? 12、Always be yourself (Except during job interviews, the first few months of arelationship, or any type of social interaction) 13、People are always like “Are you a morning person or a night person?” and I’mjust like “Mate, I’m barely even a person” 14、人們常會問我:「你是個早上起床的人,还是晚睡的人呢?」而我總是心裡暗想:「夥伴,嚴格來說我并不算得上個人!」 来源: m.taiks.com |