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  no body grows old merely by a number of years, we grow old by deserting our ideas. 大家渐长渐老不但由于岁月的外流,大量的是由于大家对自身梦想的背叛。

  we talk much,we love only a little,and we hate too much; 大家说的多了,爱的却少了,我们的憎恨也越来越多了。


  admonish your friends privately, but praise them openly. 要私底下劝诫好朋友,可是要公布赞美好朋友。

  he measure of a man’s real character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out. 衡量一个人真实的质量,需看他在了解始终也不会被别人看到的情形下做些哪些。

  in love and cooking, you must give 100% effort... but expect little appreciation不论是烹制或是感情,都用100%的承担心态看待,可是不必祈求过多的回报。

  英语短句]1)he cheats on her=他身背她偷食;2) don’t tease me=别挖哭/讽我;3)please make room=请借了;4)nice going=干得好/好看;5)walls have ears=隔墙有耳;6) everything is in order?=一切都准备就绪/你准备好了吗?7)it paid off={艰辛投入}是值的且已获得回报了

  snap out of it!= [别再纠结伤心]振奋起来!;2) just let your hair down=你好好放松[男孩和女孩皆适用];3) deal != 我们就这样说定了/一言为定! ;4) no biggie=没事儿[没啥不对的];5) thumbs-up to you!=你主要表现很赞!给油!;6)you are so “anal” [einl] =你很”叽歪/难弄”

  it is a great ability to be able to conceal ones ability. 城府很深是一种不简单的才可以。

  好用#英语短句#] 1)don’t let it get to you= 别为这件事情烦心/烦恼;2)this too will pass=这纠结或痛楚终究会以往的;3)love me; love my dog=五十步笑百步;4)such a 3d loser=真的是个幺蛾子[字面上指“三维的庸才”,边说这话,手可在前额前摆如下图的动作];5)it’s finger-licking good=这东西真的是“吮指美味可口”啊

  real beauty comes from learning, growing, and loving in the ways of life. that is the art of life.真真正正的美妙来源于生命里的学习培训、发展和喜爱。这就是的造型艺术。

  money is important, but the responsibility that goes along with this job is what interests me the most.工资虽然关键,但这工作中随着而至的义务更吸引住我.

  a smile is like a sim card and life is like a mobile phone. whenever you insert the sim card of a smile, a beautiful day is activated.—— 笑容就如sim卡,而生活如同手机上。把笑容的sim卡插进生活的手机上,美好的一天就激话了。


  [怎样#回复致歉#的#英文#短句子]:当他人致歉,说 i am sorry,你需要表述没事儿/“没关系”,可以说:1) dont worry about it!;;2) no worries!;3) dont sweat it!;4) no sweat!;5) never mind it!;6) its all cool!;7) its okay!;8) its alright!;9) its fine!

  always knew looking back on the tears would make me laugh, but i never knew looking back on the laughs would make me cry. 我明白在回首时,这些泪水要来好笑;却不知道再回首时,这些欢歌笑语也可以要我热泪盈眶。


  love and a cough cannot be hid. 感情和咳嗽是遮不住的。

  growth in wisdom may be exactlyi measured by decrease in bitterness. 聪慧的提高可以用痛楚的降低来精准衡量。

  【morning~】dont expect things to happen. its better to be surprised, than to be dissapointed——不必对生活抱有很多的希望,与其说結果心寒,比不上获得意外的惊喜。共3页,现阶段第1页123

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