一男抛弃女人的情感文案,那天早上雾散男抛弃女人的情感文案了 不止早上 不止雾 The fog dispersed in the morning, not only in the morning. 二,男抛弃女人的情感文案我们似乎没有天大男抛弃女人的情感文案的矛盾,只是停留在某个黄昏,从此没能参与对方的日日夜夜。 We didn't seem to have a big contradiction, but stayed at a certain dusk and never participated in each other's day and night. ![]() 三,那天的糖炒栗子是我有生以来吃过最好吃的。 The sugar-fried chestnut that day was the best I have ever eaten. 四,爱男抛弃女人的情感文案你这局 我尽力啦。 Love you. I tried my best. 五,好多话想说 好多话没说 好多话不能说。 I want to say a lot of things. I can't say a lot of things without saying them. ![]() 六,就把热爱和喜欢永久地留在这一天吧。 Just keep your love and love on this day forever. 七,你走了真好 不用担心你会走了。 It's good of you to leave. Don't worry that you will leave. ![]() 八,有那么一瞬间 我什么都不想要了 包括我的命。 For a moment I didn't want anything, including my life 九,我也不是第一次揣着明白装糊涂了。 It's not the first time I've pretended to be confused. 十 ,不要做朋友 不要重蹈覆辙 熬过这段没有他的日子 你一定会遇到比他更好的男孩子的。 Don't be friends, don't make the same mistakes, and get through this period without him. You will meet better boys than him. ![]() 十一,很多时候,看的太透反而不快乐,还不如幼稚的没心没肺。 Many times, seeing too much is not happy, and it is not as good as being childish and heartless. 十二,都说竹子无心 可是却无人去想它的心去哪了。 It is said that bamboo is unintentional, but no one thinks about where its heart has gone ![]() 十三,对不起 或许你我的相遇是一个美丽的错误。 I'm sorry. Maybe the meeting between you and me was a beautiful mistake 十四,刚刚我分手了,在我夺得辉煌的一天,我失去了我爱的人。 I just broke up, and on the day I won the glory, I lost the person I loved. 十五,Siri帮我删除他的电话号码。 Siri helped me delete his phone number. ![]() 十六,我喜欢麦当劳,你喜欢肯德基,我们不合适。 I like McDonald's, you like KFC, we are not suitable 十七,为啥又要抛弃我,为啥甜甜的恋爱都轮不到我。 Why do you want to abandon me again? Why can't I be in sweet love? |
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