Anyone who can't kill you will eventually make you stronger. 但凡不能杀死逆袭女神情感文案季你逆袭女神情感文案季的, 最终都会使你更强大。 -- Nietzsche Anyone who can't kill you will eventually make you stronger. 不能听命于己者,终会受制于人。 -- Nietzsche In many cases , what we are afraid of is exactly what we desire. 很多时候我们所害怕的, 正是我们所渴望的。 -- Soren Kierkegaard The misfortune of most people is not because they are too weak, but because they are too strong. Strong enough to ignore God. 多数人的不幸, 并非源于逆袭女神情感文案季他们过于软弱, 而是由于逆袭女神情感文案季他们过于强大。 强大到忽略逆袭女神情感文案季了上帝。 -- Soren Kierkeqaard If you don't want to do it, you will find an excuse; if you want to do it, you will find a way. 如果你不想做,会找一个借口; 如果你想做,会找一个方法。 -- Baruch de Spinoza We always raise the dust first,and then complain that we can't see. 我们总是先扬起尘土, 然后抱怨自己看不见。 -- George Berkeley Human instinct is to chase the things that fly away from him, but avoid the things that chase him. 人的本能是追逐从他身边飞走的东西, 却逃避追逐他的东西。 -- Voltaire If you want the future to be different from the past, please learn from the past. 如果你希望未来与过去不同, 就请从过去中吸取经验。 -- Baruch de Spinoza |
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