我不想散情感文案长版的时候 你没冷暴力吗 我给你发信息的时候你回情感文案长版了吗 你答应我的事又做到情感文案长版了吗 好多事你真的问心无愧吗 I don't want to spread when you didn't cold violence when I sent you a message when you answered it you promised me and did a lot of things you really have a clear conscience ![]() 哪有什么直男啊 情感文案长版他要是遇到了那个他超级爱的女孩子 连她皱下眉头都会心疼 更别说哭了 也许只有爱或不爱罢了 What kind of straight guy would frown when he met a girl he loves so much let alone cry maybe love or not ![]() 要是那晚的月亮再亮一点就好了 这样说不定我就能看清 那时闪烁在你眼里忽明忽暗的东西 到底是不是喜欢 I wish the moon had been a little brighter that night so I could see if you liked what was flickering in and out of your eyes ![]() 创可贴贴久了撕下来会很疼 换句话说 你陪在我身边那么久 你走的时候我会很难过 It hurts to take off a Band-aid after a long time in other words I'm gonna be sad when you leave after you've been around for so long ![]() 我给你消息发了好多 看手机等你回复半天 眼睛都是酸的 突然你回了我消息 我立马拿起手机 只看你回了一个嗯 I sent messages to you a lot of looking at the phone waiting for your reply for a long time, my eyes were sour suddenly you replied to my message, I immediately picked up the phone only to see you replied to one ![]() 成熟的男孩烟酒入喉 幼稚的男孩爱字当头 我不仅烟酒入喉 我也把爱字当头 我在幼稚与成熟之间徘徊 Mature boy smoke and drink in throat Childish boy love word in front of me not only smoke and drink in throat I also love word in front of me between childish and mature ![]() 如果我只想跟他玩玩就好了 可是我太贪心了 我想和他一直在一起 我让他心里一直是我 我还想和他有个家 It would be nice if I just wanted to hang out with him but I'm greedy and I want to be with him all the time and I want him to be me all the time and I want to have a family with him ![]() 其实我还是没有释怀 我还是会怀念我们在一起的时光 还是会偷偷的看你主页无数遍 却从来没有鼓起勇气去添加你好友 In fact, I still haven't let go of the fact that I still miss our time together or secretly look at your page countless times but never pluck up the courage to add your friend ![]() 你呀 次次心软 次次后悔 次次失望 次次不改 次次被敷衍 次次不长记性 You ah soft heart times regret times disappointed times do not change times perfunctory times do not long memory ![]() 图片文字整理与网络,如有侵权请联系作者删除 |
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