别说读书苦励志文案2020英文短句,那是你看世界励志文案2020英文短句的路 Don't read bitter, that is the way you see the world 努力一点励志文案2020英文短句,你是家里人所有人的光 Try harder. You're a credit to everyone in your family 人总要走在路上励志文案2020英文短句,才能扶着自己成长 People always have to walk on the road, to help their growth 要努力追上那个曾经被赋予厚望的自己 Try to catch up with the person you were given such high hopes for 世界还很美好,生活还在继续,励志文案2020英文短句我们继续加油 The world is still good, life continues, we continue to cheer 对所有的事情都要有耐心,但首先是对自己要有耐心 Be patient with everything, but first be patient with yourself 所有的事情都有好坏两面性,而我们要做的就是用力成长 Everything has both good and bad sides, and what we have to do is to grow 要努力,但是不要着急,繁花锦簇,硕果累累都需要过程 To work hard, but don't worry, flowers and fruits need a process 人生纵然失败了九十九次,也要拼尽全力再努力一次,哪怕为了凑个整数 Even if you fail ninety-nine times, you should try again with all your might, even if it means rounding up an integer 数学题很难,跑步很累,作业很多,知识点很难背,但熬过了这些就是前程似锦 Math is difficult, running is very tired, a lot of homework, knowledge points are difficult to back, but through these is a bright future ![]() 人之所以能,是相信能 People can, is to believe that can 所有的惊艳,都来自长久的努力 All the amazing, all come from long-term efforts 常常是最后一把钥匙打开了门 It is often the last key that opens the door 想让每个平凡的日子里溢出欢喜 Want to make every ordinary day overflow joy 不知道如何追梦,可以先开始奔跑 Do not know how to pursue the dream, can start to run 你是要长大的小朋友,拜托撑着别倒下去 You're gonna grow up. Please don't fall down 躲起来的星星也在努力发光,你也要加油 Hidden stars are also trying to shine, you also want to refuel 人不努力的时候,老天爷是会一点一点把你的天赋收走的 When you don't work hard, god will take away your talent bit by bit 这世上百分之90的人,都轮不到拼天赋和智力,拼的是努力和执行力 |