情感文案不怕你在外面有别人我喜欢情感文案不怕你在外面有别人你,因为你是你 I like you because you are you 你不堪我不弃,你若痴我奉陪 You can't help me. I will not abandon you. If you are crazy, I will accompany you ![]() 你知道吗?被你好好爱着情感文案不怕你在外面有别人的时候,我就会不自觉情感文案不怕你在外面有别人的变成小孩 You know what? When you love me, I will become a child unconsciously 其实剑谱最后一页 不是无敌剑法 而是放下剑 握紧你的手 Actually, the last page of sword manual is not invincible sword method, but put down the sword and hold your hand tightly ![]() 说起喜欢,满脑子都是你 When it comes to love, it's all about you 误打误撞的喜欢却没曾想爱意如此汹涌 I like it by mistake, but I didn't think it was so turbulent ![]() 很多人来情感文案不怕你在外面有别人了又走,都不足挂齿,只有你不同,不必修饰。 Many people come and go, they are not too much to be, only you are different, do not have to modify. 没有联系的日子里,我一直在心底和你分享快乐 I have been sharing happiness with you in my heart in the days without contact ![]() 发现我最近很贪心 很想把你占据 I found out I was greedy recently and wanted to take you 我总在想我们怎么才能幸福,后来发现你就是我的幸福 I always think about how we can be happy, and then I find you are my happiness ![]() 遇见你是我的福气 It's my blessing to meet you 我对你,是一见钟情的喜欢. I love you at first sight 你的名字就是最好的文案 Your name is the best copycat 风很温柔 你很特别。 The wind is gentle and you are special.. ![]() 在篮球场 你喜欢的人向你走过来 把外套扔你怀里 抱着篮球 笑得眉眼弯弯的对你说 等我打完噢. In the basketball court, people you like come to you and throw your coat in your arms, hold the basketball, smile and say to you, wait for me to finish 我现在很开心 因为你又好又爱我. I'm happy now because you're good and loving me. 图片文字整理与网络,如有侵权请联系作者删除 |
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