1、Let persistence be a faith. 2、让坚持成为一种信仰。 3、Fate, you cruelly tell my grief. 4、May you start small and end great. 5、愿你以渺小启程,以伟大结束。 6、命运,你残忍的诉说着我的悲痛。 7、Todays laziness will bring tomorrows lowliness. 8、Dont say all you know, believe not all you hear. 9、业精于勤荒于嬉,行成于思毁于随。 10、今天所有的懒惰都会换来明天的卑微。 11、即使跌倒了,也要漂亮的站起来再哭。 12、比别人多一点执着,你就会创造奇迹。 13、Even if you fall down, you have to stand up and cry. 14、People who work hard will succeed where people fail. 15、Remember that every day is the best day of the year. 16、Always be grateful. Dont take everything for granted. 17、愿我们拼搏十年,征战沙场,不忘初心。 18、When your brain says give up, hope whispers, try again. 19、Youth is a time to cultivate habits, hopes and beliefs. 20、Great work is not done with strength, but with patience. 21、More persistence than others, you will create a miracle. 22、Luck is that chance just happens to run into your efforts. 23、Time will be forgotten by us, but time will not forget us. 24、What decides tomorrow is not tomorrow, but what we do today. 25、一份好心情,是人生唯一不能被剥夺的财富。 26、不要担心下雨时没人接,等一等,雨总会停。 27、人生如同道路,最近的捷径通常是最坏的路。 28、人生总会有雨天和晴天,但总会雨过天晴的。 29、你所知道的不要全说,你所听到的不要全信。 30、你的野心与痴心,只会将你的向往越推越远。 31、反正我来到这个世界上,就没打算活着回去。 32、就算我活着是个笑话,起码我能逗笑几个人。 33、年轻时代是培养习惯希望及信仰的一段时光。 34、愿你能把梦想放在心底,化为最坚定的力量。 35、我要厄住命运的咽喉,它无法使我完全屈服。 36、时光会被我们遗忘,但时光不会把我们遗忘。 37、生活就是一种态度,倒霉也是一种另类人生。 38、要铭记在心,每天都是一年中最美好的日子。 39、A person who doesnt know how to refuse cant win real respect. 40、Life is like a road, the nearest shortcut is usually the worst. 41、人生亦是,从外打破是压力,从内打破是成长。 42、你若不给自己输的可能,你也不会有赢的机会。 43、修行的路总是孤独的,因为智慧必然来自孤独。 44、决定明天的不是明天,而是今天对事业的作为。 45、努力不懈的人,会在人们失败的地方获得成功。 46、只有永远躺在泥坑里的人,才不会再掉进坑里。 47、只要相信自己,再付诸行动,什么事都能成功。 48、心里常存感激,不要以为一切都是理所应当的。 49、浪花永不凋萎的秘诀:永远追求不安闲的生活。 50、青春是一场豪赌,能赢多少,要看你付出多少。 51、A good mood is the only wealth that cant be deprived of in life. 52、Life is an attitude, and misfortune is a different kind of life. 53、人难我也难,我不畏难;人易我也易,我不大意。 54、低头抬头都是一辈子,低头赌气,不如抬头争气! 55、Anyway, I came to this world and I didnt intend to go back alive. 56、Even if I live is a joke, at least I can make a few people laugh. 57、The secret of never withering spray: always pursue an uneasy life. 58、不要总去顾及别人的目光,做好自己,青春无悔。 59、书籍是人类知识的总结,书籍是全世界的营养品。 60、什么都别说,先迈出几步再告诉别人你要去哪儿。 61、伟大的工作,并不是用力量而是用耐心去完成的。 62、何以琛的痴心,我不否认,而我,不愿意输给他。 63、准确打造职场人脉圈子,你的人生将少奋斗十年。 64、勤奋的人没有时间流泪,懒惰的人没有机会微笑。 65、命运给我生命中一个低谷,我会用它来创造巅峰。 66、学会理解,因为只有理解别人,才会被别人理解。 67、学源于思,思源于疑。小疑则小进,大疑则大进。 68、当你的脑子说着要放弃,希望在轻语,再试一次。 69、恐惧自我受苦的人,已经正因自我的恐惧在受苦。 70、成功不是你缺这个缺那个,而是你的梦想与决心。 71、真正的美丽,不是青春的容颜,而是绽放的心灵。 72、种子牢记着雨滴献身的叮嘱,增强了冒尖的勇气。 73、Dont worry when it rains, no one answers. Wait, the rain will stop. 74、Only those who lie in the mud forever will never fall into the pit. 75、True beauty is not the appearance of youth, but the blooming heart. 76、Success is not that you lack this, but your dream and determination. 77、Youth is a gamble, how much you can win depends on how much you pay. 78、一个完全不懂拒绝的人,也不可能赢得真正的尊重。 79、不奋苦而求速效,只落得少日浮夸,老来窘隘而已。 80、争分夺秒,永不言弃,相信自己,将赢得一切胜利。 81、人生如同故事,重要的并不是有多长,而是有多好。 82、做大官只为自己谋幸福,不如做大事为众人谋利益。 83、心思澄澈,安定有力,摒除诱惑,才可成就大事业。 84、相信所有的汗水与眼泪,最后会化成一篇山花烂漫。 85、自始至终把人放在第一位,尊重员工是成功的关键。 86、那些以前说着永不分离的人,早已经散落在天涯了。 87、除了人类幸福的劳动之外,找不出真正的恒久名声。 88、Dont say anything. Take a few steps and tell people where youre going. 89、When fate wants you to know your weight, you wont say hello in advance. 90、I believe that all the sweat and tears will turn into a beautiful story. 91、May we fight hard for ten years and never forget our original intention. 92、Why Chens infatuation, I do not deny, and I, do not want to lose to him. 93、命运要你认清自己几斤几两的时候,不会提前打招呼。 94、有些路很远,走下去会很累,可是,不走,又会后悔。 95、Diligent people have no time to cry, lazy people have no chance to smile. 96、I want to live in the throat of fate, it can not make me completely yield. 97、If you dont give yourself a chance to lose, you wont have a chance to win. 98、People who fear self suffering are already suffering because of self fear. 99、There is no real lasting reputation except for the work of human happiness. 100、When your talent cant support your ambition, you should calm down and study. 101、顺与不顺,在我看来, In my opinion, it is more of a state of mind. 102、Fate has given me a low point in my life, and I will use it to create a peak. 103、Life is like a story. What matters is not how long it is, but how good it is. 104、Seize the time, never give up, believe in yourself, will win all the victory. 105、学无止境,人的一生倘若不学习,那么他的一生定会贫乏。 106、Books are the summary of human knowledge. Books are the nutrition of the world. 107、If a person wants to learn to skate, he must be prepared to wrestle on the ice. 108、Some road is very far, go down will be very tired, but, do not go, will regret. 109、Those who said never to separate before, have already scattered in the horizon. 110、Your ambition and infatuation will only push your yearning further and further. 111、Clear mind, stable and powerful, get rid of temptation, can achieve great cause. 112、The road of practice is always lonely, because wisdom must come from loneliness. 113、Dont always take into account the eyes of others, do yourself well, never regret. 114、Head down and head up is a lifetime, head down to gamble, not as good as head up! 115、一个人若想学会滑冰,那么他一定要做好在冰上摔跤的准备。 116、奋斗者在汗水汇集的江河里,将事业之舟驶到了理想的彼岸。 117、当你的才华还撑不起你的野心时,那你就应该静下心来学习。 118、有些事情当你认为难以忘怀,但是记忆力却嘲笑你自以为是。 119、管涌如不堵,能决防洪之长堤;贪欲如不除,可毁为官之大志。 120、人生四季,寒暑交替,静心体味生活的悲与喜,笑看起起落落。 121、As long as you believe in yourself, and then put into action, everything can succeed. 122、There is no end to learning. If one does not learn in his whole life, he will be poor. 123、Putting people first from beginning to end, respecting employees is the key to success. 124、Learn to understand, because only by understanding others, will be understood by others. 125、If you build your professional network accurately, your life will be less than ten years. 126、Do not work hard and seek quick results, only a few days exaggeration, old to embarrassment. 127、Life is the same. Breaking from the outside is pressure, breaking from the inside is growth. 128、Seeds bear in mind the advice of raindrop dedication, enhance the courage to rise to the top. 129、In the river of sweat, the striver sails the boat of his career to the other side of his ideal. 130、Industry excels in diligence, wastefulness in play, action in thinking, destruction in following. 131、I am not afraid of difficulties when people are difficult; I am not careless when people are easy. 132、I hope you can put your dream in the bottom of your heart and turn it into the strongest strength. 133、There are always rainy days and sunny days in life, but there will always be sunny days after rain. 134、There are some things that you think are unforgettable, but memory laughs at you for being self righteous. 135、It is better to be a senior official for the sake of his own happiness than to do great things for the benefit of all. 136、Learning comes from thinking and thinking comes from doubt. Small doubts lead to small progress, and big doubts lead to great progress. 137、The four seasons of life, the alternation of cold and heat, meditate on the sadness and joy of life, laugh and watch the ups and downs. 138、If piping is not blocked, it can break the levee of flood control; if greed is not removed, it can destroy the ambition of being an official. 139、我们应该对生活有信心,对做事有信心。信念是指路明灯,信心是动力。打败你的不是别人,而是你自己。不要把失败当作人生的最终判断。世界上没有一帆风顺,只有坚强的信心和毅力。逃跑是懦弱的,逃避是消极的,撤退显得更无能。成功之路取决于你自己。心在哪里,路在哪里!心有多大,舞台就有多大。 运气就是,机会恰好撞上了你的努力。 (m.taiKs.com) |