电影《速度与激情》之特别行动很快就要上映了。 跑车,美女,速度,激情……影片中冲刺着无数的词汇。惊心动魄的赛车,感人温暖的情感。都是《速度8》的成功。 今天,跟着 Life is simple,You make choices and you dont look back 生活很简单,做决定不要后悔。 Roman: [at Hans funeral] Promise me something,Brian I dont wanna go to any more funerals 布莱恩,你答应我,我不想再参加任何葬礼了。 Brian OConner: Only one more 布莱恩·奥康纳:还有一场。 Brian OConner: His 布莱恩·奥康纳:他的(戴克·肖)。 Deckard Shaw: The enemy of my enemy is my friend 戴克·肖:敌人的敌人是朋友。 Dominic Toretto: I dont have friends,Ive got family 多米尼克·托雷托:我没有朋友,我们是家人。 Brian OConner: [Etihad towers scene] Cars cant fly,Dom,cars cant fly! 布莱恩·奥康纳:车不能飞,车不能飞。 Because Ill be there to kick your ass if you aint. 假如你表现不好,我就杀了你。 We the family and loyalty never change up. 我们亲如一家,彼此永远忠诚。 And we got it cooking like a one-eyed stove. 我们的热火瞬间点燃了夜晚。 Couldnt slow down so we had to crash it. 永远不要放慢速度,宁愿粉身碎骨。 I see some people ahead that we gon pass. 我们必须超越前面的对手。 You can catch me kissin my girl with both eye closed. 只有亲吻女孩,我才会闭上眼睛。 I never feared death or dying,I only fear never trying. 我从不害怕死亡,只是害怕死亡。 I am whatever I am,Only God can judge me. 我就是我,只有上帝才能指出我。 Jumpin out on anybody who try to say some one thing about it. 有人评头论足,我就让你闭嘴。 Show them the respect they deserve,or it weakens us. 给予他们应有的尊重,否则骄兵必败。 Nobody makes me do anything I dont want to. 没有人能强迫我做我不想做的事。
Some things you just have to take on faith. 有时候你只需要依靠信念。 It takes an amazing woman. Hes an amazing guy. 你是个好女人,他是个好男人。 Remember,the second you go through those doors,everything changes,our old life is done. 记住!你一旦踏入那扇门,一切都改变了,过去的生活不复存在了。 Father,thank you for the gathering of friends. Father,we give thanks for all the choices weve made,because thats what makes us who we are. Let us forever cherish the loved ones weve lost along the way. 主啊,谢谢你让我们的朋友团聚。主啊,谢谢你的选择,因为那些成就了今天的人,我们将永远珍惜我们一路失去的爱人。 You dont know me,youre about to. 如果你不认识我,你很快就会认识我。 I never thought I would believe that a criminal. Now they can. We also. 我从没想过我会相信一个罪犯。现在是的。我们也是。 Want to catch the big fish,deep water to get. 想钓大鱼,得到深水。 If you want to use violence,we can try. 假如你想使用暴力,我们可以试试。 I with Shaw cooperation,material,weapons,money,woman... What are the. 我和肖合作,物质,武器,金钱,女人…什么都有。 She survived. Shes in hell for a walk,stronger. 她活了下来。她在地狱里走了一会儿,变得更强壮了。 As the amnesty and amnesty,the day we were born,these words will disappear. 就像大赦和特赦 一样,这些词在我们出生的那天就消失了。 Something we carry together,he went to have a look,two people together are better than one. 有事大家一起扛,他去也有照顾,两个人在一起总比一个人强。 Guys. Do something,my butt sitting below the tank! 伙计们!做点什么,我的屁股 I couldnt believe it,they steal the tank is to grab a 85 gramchips. 我简直不敢相信他们偷坦克只是为了抢85克芯片。 Enough. I dont know anything,but at least know one thing: dont make me do things I dont want to. 够了,我什么都不知道!但至少我知道一件事:不要强迫我做我不想做的事。
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