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. life always makes us bruised, but in the future, those hurt places will become our strongest places.
. the most important thing is not to look at the vague things in the distance, but to do the clear things at hand.
The sun illuminates the road of life, and the moon illuminates the road of mind.
Let#39;s change our worry into thinking and planning in advance!
. experienced; will understand; there is pay to return.
Don#39;t try to control others. Don#39;t ask others to understand you.
People must be hurt before they can be silent and focused. No matter it#39;s mental or physical trauma, it#39;s good for growth.
The old man of time is fair and reasonable to everyone. You should learn to manage time and use it to cherish time. It is more conducive to your success to form a good life and work habit.
Failure is a matter, not a person.
. every day you pay a higher price than the day before. Because your life is one day shorter, you should be more active every day. Today is too precious to be consumed by bitter worry and bitter regret. Lift up your chin and hold on to today. It will not come back.
Facial stimulation is not real enjoyment. Inner peace is the starting point.
To be evil in life is to be good at talking about people#39;s lives; to be foolish in life is to smell yourself.
. the rope saws the wood and the water drips through the stone.
. don#39;t be angry. Don#39;t see through. Don#39;t be jealous. Don#39;t be appreciative. Don#39;t delay. Be positive. Don#39;t move.
When you can#39;t jump from the first floor to the third floor, don#39;t forget to take the stairs. To remember that great success is often not achieved overnight, you must learn to break down your goals and gradually implement them.
Although the past can#39;t be changed, the future can.
Life only experience ups and downs, to understand the taste of the world, so we must learn to cherish life and cherish feelings.
. a piece of cultivation, a piece of harvest, the greater the effort, the more harvest.
Try to love someone. Pay, there will be no harvest; do not pay, but there will be no harvest, do not expect miracles.
Ambition and poverty are brothers in need. They are common in the world.
As long as the road is right, we are not afraid to go far.
It#39;s not difficult to make a decision. What#39;s difficult is to put it into action and stick to it.
'I want' is a sign of poverty. Things can always be sufficient, the heart is always comfortable, people do not want to high-quality goods.
You don#39;t have to ask for merit to do things. To have no faults is merit. People don#39;t have to feel virtue, no resentment is virtue.
Poverty can make a man.
When you have nothing to lose, it#39;s when you start to get it.
How can we see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain?
There is nothing remarkable about playing a good card. A bad card is worth admiring.
. what is failure? Nothing, just a step closer to success. What is success? It#39;s the way to failure. There is only one way left. That#39;s the way to success.
The most vulnerable thing in the world is life, physical health, which is very important.
Everyone must develop two important abilities: the ability to adapt to change and turbulence, and the ability to delay pleasure for long-term goals.
. you can do what others can.
All things can#39;t be perfect, only the best. Without pressure, the result will be better.
To defeat oneself is the most tragic failure, and to defeat oneself is the most valuable victory.
When you are deep in thought, you should step back first. When you are satisfied, you can rest.
. the weak comfort themselves with tears, and the strong temper themselves with sweat.
Positive thinking leads to a positive life, while negative thinking leads to a negative life.
Life is like a race. It doesn#39;t matter whether you are the first to reach the end, but whether you have finished the whole race.
Find a way for success, not an excuse for failure.
Man, the greatest enemy is himself.
In the eyes of the strong, there is no best, only better.
Start working hard! In this process, you have to give up a lot of things, but you have to understand that they are not what you want in the end. You have to believe that after your success, they will come back one day, and better than now!
If people have the will, they will not stop in Banpo.
. the duck has grown up without a mother, and has become a family with few hands.
You can hide your ambition in rags.
Great cause is not accomplished by strength, speed and agility of the body, but by the strength of character, will and knowledge.
It is better to be poor and happy than to be rich and worried.
No matter how outstanding the ability and knowledge are, if there is a lack of enthusiasm, it will be nothing more than a picture on paper to satisfy hunger.
. sink your mind, why can#39;t you get it, rise up your ambition, what can#39;t you do.
Commitment is a good thing, but good things often don#39;t come true.
Knowledge gives weight, achievement gives luster. Most people just see the luster, not weigh it.

The best way to prepare for tomorrow is to concentrate all your wisdom, all your enthusiasm, and do your work to the best of today. This is the only way you can cope with the future.
Everything has its principle of truth; as long as you abide by the game of life, stick to the principle of life; success is closer and closer to you.
. the master leads the door, learning skills is in himself.
If the enemy makes you angry, it means you are not sure to win him.
A person#39;s happiness is not because he has more, but because he cares less.
. always say what you want, always do what you want. The lightest ink is better than the strongest memory.
Without passion, you can be defeated.
There are tens of thousands of plans for those who have aspirations, but for those who have no aspirations, there are only thousands of difficulties.
People who often think that they are poor in luck are reasonable in any bad things. With such a common mentality, they will overcome many difficulties.
Those who avoid the reality will have a worse future.
It#39;s better to work hard for a while than a lifetime.
. ambition is the beauty of Qi.
Don#39;t be envious of his long, envious of his long, then he is short. Don#39;t protect yourself short. If you protect yourself short, you will not be long.
Give me a fulcrum, I can prop up the earth.
Don#39;t be infatuated with online games. If you have the ability, you can play the big game of life.
Money is not everything. But without money, you can#39;t do anything.
Faith is power, doubt is power, and faith is power.
Ambition and perseverance are two wings of career.
In your heart, there is infinite potential. One day when you look back, you will know that it is absolutely true.
Those who regard the failure of others as their own lesson will take fewer detours; those who do not know what to do tomorrow will find it difficult to do well today.
. the sword is sharpened, and the plum blossom fragrance comes from the bitter cold.
Learning is a sweet fruit growing from bitter roots.
We should be sincere, frank, generous, tolerant and ordinary.
Believe in yourself, you will succeed.
The environment will never be perfect. Negative people are controlled by the environment, while positive people control the environment.
Even if the whole world denies me, I believe in myself.
The world is full of unfairness. What we can do is not only accept, but also try to do some resistance.
Life is like an ocean. Only those who will be strong can reach the other side.
Failure is only a temporary stop to success. If I can#39;t, I will; if I want, I will!
The road stretches from the foot.
The greatest joy in life is that everyone says you can#39;t do it, but you have finished it!
The definition of failure: do everything, do everything, but never finish it, and never do it well.
. happiness lies in the absence of oneself, happiness lies in the absence of oneself. In fact, happiness lies in yourself. People should not be too concerned about 'worry about gain or loss' in life. Read more books and feel more about life cultivation.
In the world, people will inevitably be despised, wronged and wronged; you don#39;t have to pay attention to it, and you don#39;t have to resist it. You can prove everything with facts and time.
In fact, people are in the process of understanding and being understood all their lives. In work and life, if they can understand each other, support and help each other, will there be any problems that cannot be overcome and solved?
In order to achieve the goal, we must be able to stand the loneliness and do it alone.
Accept the responsibility of your actions, not the glory of your achievements.
. I#39;m not afraid that you don#39;t understand, I#39;m afraid you don#39;t learn to do.
God is fair to everyone.
The same thing happened, some people feel very painful, some people can accept it. Because they have different endurance. A man of patience is easy to succeed.
. once lost everything for him, now picked up everything for himself.
There is nothing bad to do; only people who do bad.
. there are many ways to make money, but if you can#39;t find the seeds to make money, you won#39;t be an entrepreneur.
The ability to generate new ideas and apply new ideas can be undermined by the idea of constantly learning professional knowledge but not being an expert.
In adversity, we should know ourselves correctly; in adversity, we should perfect ourselves; in adversity, we should mature ourselves; no education can match adversity.
There is only one kind of failure, which is to give up halfway.
. the road to success is full of thorns. Only through hard work can we succeed.
There are tens of thousands of plans for those who have aspirations, but for those who have no aspirations, there are only thousands of difficulties.
Different beliefs determine different destiny!
. look back occasionally, or you will be searching forever without knowing what you have lost.
If you don#39;t ask in vain, you will be at peace with yourself. If you don#39;t do in vain, you will be at peace with yourself.
Learning to make progress next time is an effective way to make yourself bigger. So don#39;t let yourself sleep in the hotbed of success.
Only persistence can lead to final success.
. just as a magnet attracts iron powder around, enthusiasm can also attract people around and change the situation around.
The experience and wisdom of a successful person is the greatest happiness in your life and the indispensable wealth in your life journey. The so-called wealth is not money, but your perception of life, experience, knowledge, skills, and interpersonal skills are the wealth of your success.
People with ability influence others, people without ability are affected by people.
. if you don#39;t feel sad, you will be happy. Do not hesitate, will insist.
You have to sell yourself 100 percent.
. determination is the door to career, and work is the journey to enter the room.

We must learn from past mistakes rather than rely on past successes.
Always find time and opportunity for what you want to do; always find excuses for what you don#39;t want to do.
People have ups and downs; the moon has ups and downs; the weather is unpredictable; people have bad luck on the eve of the day; everything is different from thinking from a different angle, to treat some people and things with a different psychological attitude. You will find more benefits to yourself or others.
Success comes from unremitting efforts.
Do not do evil, do good, do not do good with small, do not do evil with small.
Ask not what you did for others, but what you did for others.
In fact, there are not so many ifs in the world. Sometimes, what we lose in a moment is eternity.
There is no destiny that can be conquered without scorn, tolerance and struggle.
. if you are not sincere, you will not be warm in your heart. If you are not warm in your heart, you will not be virtuous.
When you stop trying, you fail.
In the eyes of the strong, there is no best, only better.
Man, the greatest enemy is himself.
People who lose money lose little, people who lose health lose a lot, people who lose courage lose everything.
Don#39;t worry about the vague future, just strive for the clear present.
. if money is lost, it can be recovered. Once it is lost, it is difficult to recover.
You are the source of human art. You give great inspiration to poets.
The world will give way to those who have goals and vision.
It#39;s not necessarily that more money makes more happiness. More money makes more troubles. It#39;s so easy to be poor and happy.
As long as you are sure you are right. If you do something, some say it#39;s not good. If you don#39;t, some say it#39;s not good. Don#39;t avoid criticism.
A person who can see things from other people#39;s ideas and understand other people#39;s spiritual activities will never have to worry about his future.
Without perfect things and perfect people, the key is to know exactly what you want. If you get what you want, you will lose another part. If you want everything, you will get nothing.
A man#39;s mind is narrow if he wants more, broad if he wants less.
God said: you can take whatever you want, but you have to pay a considerable price.
If you eat bitterness, you will become a man.
. tears will not flow into the ocean after all, and people will always grow up.
People without money have hard feet and those with money have crispy bones.
Anyone can be vicious as long as you try to be jealous.
Life is not to surpass others, but to surpass oneself.
Everyone has his own distinct ideas and personality, do not know the way to change others, similarly, do not be changed by others. If you change it, it#39;s not you.
People#39;s desires can#39;t be realized, and things that can#39;t be done can#39;t be too demanding; learn to control yourself, understand the value of your ideal life, need your life style, face the reality, grasp yourself, and cherish your life.
Dripping water wears away stones, not with great strength, but with great effort.
Peace is bliss, contentment is bliss, pure heart is wealth, and lack of desire is longevity.
Never falling is disgraceful. It is the greatest honor to stand up again after every fall.
. depending on the mountain, the water and the water will flow. Depending on yourself, you will never fall.
. IQ decides employment; EQ decides promotion.
. flowers do not bloom for the sake of falling, but for the sake of blooming more brilliantly.
. if you work hard, you will succeed!
You can choose such 'three minds and two minds': confidence, perseverance and determination; creativity and willingness.
Yesterday is like a shadow - remember your yesterday#39;s setbacks and failure lessons; today is like a picture - a happy life and a happy life depend on your own description; tomorrow is like a dream - cherish today, choose your own goal, and strive for your tomorrow.
The stage is as big as the heart.
No matter how outstanding the ability and knowledge are, if there is a lack of enthusiasm, it will be nothing more than a picture on paper to satisfy hunger.
Desire to enhance enthusiasm, perseverance to smooth the mountains.
. now I don#39;t deserve to be tired, because I have nothing.
In the long and rugged life journey, if people want to realize their own ideals and career, they must walk every step of their life well, and they must understand the experience and wisdom of the successful. Happiness and happiness exist in the process of fighting against difficulties. They are not compromises to difficulties. To give up oneself is to give up everything.
. the road is under my own feet, no one can decide my direction.
Never give up, there is no failure in the world, only give up.
The character of a successful person: brave and upright; challenging life; gentle attitude; generous; helpful; polite and modest; low-key life; self-reliance.
To challenge to the competition, to challenge to the pressure, and even to challenge yourself to the time is everything.
Overcome one#39;s own inertia: inertia is born, and it is the most stubborn enemy of life; inertia will destroy one#39;s will; inertia will make one lose one#39;s ideal; inertia will make one fall into chaos; inertia will make one sink; inertia will make one accomplish nothing; the biggest enemy of life is oneself.
. what you think is not effective, but what you don#39;t want is ineffective.
Unless you want to be first-class, you#39;re second rate.
Even if you climb the highest mountain, you can only take one step at a time.
. we have to trade what we have for what we don#39;t have.
Busy as water, don#39;t worry about fame and wealth. You can#39;t be too rich or too rich.

The key to success is just like the key to unlock the lock. If you can#39;t check the number correctly, you can#39;t open the door to success.
Success lies in the exertion of advantages and failure is the accumulation of disadvantages.
. plan by man; accomplish by God; do by man: how do you know whether you can or not if you don#39;t do it.
. death is not willing to lose heart, and poverty can not help me!
Always find time and opportunity for what you want to do; always find excuses for what you don#39;t want to do.
Every good thing has its disadvantages; every gain has its disadvantages; it#39;s not a fool to be willing to lose, only to pay can we gain. It#39;s important to know that there is no free lunch in the world.
. don#39;t ask what shouldn#39;t be asked; don#39;t say what shouldn#39;t be said; don#39;t do what shouldn#39;t be done; make clear your position and do your part.
Those who do not respect themselves will be humiliated. He who does not grow up will take disaster. Those who are not complacent will benefit. He who is not self-sufficient knows well.
. not afraid of a long way, but afraid of a short mind.
Life should learn to precipitate, experience, mood and self.
The road of life will not be smooth, and the journey of career is full of twists and hardships. Only through struggle and struggle can we reach the other side of success.
The environment will not change. The solution is to change yourself.
Success is a concept, a thought, a habit and a mentality.
It doesn#39;t matter where you stand now. What#39;s important is where you move?
. look far with your eyes, and step near with your feet.
. the road to success is full of thorns. Only through hard work can we succeed.
. not afraid of the long road, but afraid of the short will.
If we all do what we can, we#39;ll be surprised.
Don#39;t say 'I won#39;t' or 'impossible' in everything, because you haven#39;t done it yet!
Who can resist the direction of ambition and the opening of stone?
The reason why people have one mouth and two ears is that they listen twice as much as they say.
No matter how hard it is now, we have to be a dancer of life.
A day of love may bring a lifetime of gratitude.
. tired, just slow down. Wrong, just think of the last. Bitter, just know to satisfy. Hurt, just understand strong.
The stage of life may be opened at any time. The key is whether you are willing to perform or choose to avoid.
The most important thing of success is not to look at the vague things in the distance, but to do the clear things at hand.
Success always belongs to those who love to work hard.
Success is the boss!
. the stone looks at the texture, the mountain looks at the vein, the person looks at the ambition tree looks at the material.
The process of human life from 'life' to 'death' is life; in short, life is human life and life to the end of life, in this limited life to realize the meaning of your great ideal life value of life.
The road of life will not be smooth, and the journey of career is full of twists and hardships. Only through struggle and struggle can we reach the other side of success.
To be a low-key person, to be friendly, to be human based, to be a calm, deep, implicit, cultured and interesting person.
. as long as you work hard, grind the pestle into a needle.
I#39;m afraid those who have never failed have never succeeded.
. when you can#39;t go back, when you don#39;t want to go back, always go forward. Road, all the time.
Strike and defeat are stepping stones to success, not stumbling blocks.
We must make friends with those who have the way, and never make friends without justice. Drink quiet tea, not wine. Open the door of convenience, free the right and wrong.
A big tree fell down after a rain. It turned out to have a short foundation. We must lay a solid foundation for everything we do.
The body is not as safe as the mind, and the room is not as wide as the heart.
The most important thing in the world is not where we are, but where we are going.
We should not talk too much when dealing with people. We should be considerate of other people#39;s feelings. There is a 'degree' in everything. When things are urgent, they will be reversed. Harmony is precious.

There are wise people who have long-term aspiration, and those who have no aspiration have long-term aspiration.
To promote products, we should aim at customers#39; hearts, not at customers#39; heads.
If a man is good, though the good is not yet done, the evil is far away; if a man is evil, though the evil is not yet done, the good is far away.
When you can#39;t jump from the first floor to the third floor, don#39;t forget to take the stairs. To remember that great success is often not achieved overnight, you must learn to break down your goals and gradually implement them.
The key to success is not to try to copy others#39; unique ways, but to learn how to explore your own unique potential.
Forbearance is a kind of vision, a kind of mind, a kind of comprehension, a kind of life skill and a kind of rule wisdom.
Most people want to change the world, but few want to change themselves.
Advice: it#39;s better not to make any choice when people are angry, upset and unstable.
The first youth is given by God; the second youth is made by oneself.
Don#39;t wet today#39;s sun with yesterday#39;s tears.
Happiness is like perfume. It will infect others if it is sprinkled to others.
. the strings are loose and can#39;t play beautiful music; life is scattered and can#39;t burn the fire of life.
When you fall to the bottom, that means you can only go up, not down!
Learning to make progress next time is an effective way to make yourself bigger. So don#39;t let yourself sleep in the hotbed of success.
There are tens of thousands of plans for those who have aspirations, but for those who have no aspirations, there are only thousands of difficulties.
Perseverance can conquer any peak in the world.
There are thousands of plans for those who have a will, but for those who have no will, there are only thousands of difficulties.

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