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It#39;s the time when a man reads a book, when his dark hair doesn#39;t know how to study early, and the white head regrets that he reads late.
Science is for those who are diligent and eager to learn, and poetry is for those who are knowledgeable.
Don#39;t laugh at iron trees. In order to blossom once, it has made longer efforts than other tree species.
Success requires cost. Time is also a cost. To cherish time is to save cost.
Time is the most precious thing in all things, but if it is wasted, it is the greatest waste.
Ideal is the beacon. Without ideal, there is no firm direction, and without direction, there is no life.
In fact, all education is ultimately for the cultivation of good habits.
The canal must be clear so that it can be used as a source of living water.
If three people walk, there must be my teacher. Choose the good and follow it, and change the bad.
Learning does not care about reading, otherwise there is no reason not to read.
Genius can#39;t make people needn#39;t work and can#39;t take the place of labor. To develop genius, we must study for a long time and work with great tension. The more talented a man is, the more complex and important the task he faces.
The goal of life determines what kind of person you will become.
In order to acquire new knowledge, a large number of new problems must be raised.
Scientific inquiry and research, which itself contains the most beautiful, itself gives people pleasure is the reward; so I found happiness in my work.
When you can dream, don#39;t give up your dream.
Time is my property, my field is time.
I#39;m not afraid to read less, but I#39;m afraid I can#39;t remember.
Many major breakthroughs in science have been accumulated with little achievements.
Learn without weariness and teach tirelessly.
No footsteps, no miles, no streams, no rivers and seas.
Know your friends and know your enemies, and you won#39;t suffer a hundred battles.
The world is not in the hands of those who laugh at it, but in the hands of those who can withstand it and continue to move forward with ridicule and criticism.
Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent effort.
Any achievement I have made in science is only due to long-term thinking, patience and diligence.
Worry before the world and joy after the world.
Resolution is the most important thing for a scholar.
Who regards comfort as a flower of happiness, then when it comes to fruits, he can only look at the empty branch and sigh.
Learning and practice are organically linked, learning must be thought, thinking must be done, in order to see whether they really learned hands. Otherwise, although there are many books, they will only become a dead library.
Years old and cold, and then know the pine and cypress after withering.
There is a way to learn from the sea and work hard in Shushan.
Learn only from the top people, associate only with the best people, and do only what the best people do.
You have to learn to think and then write.
Frustration is actually the tuition fee for success.
To die in a national calamity, and to look upon death as a sudden return.
If you read indiscriminately or endlessly, what you read will not be remembered, and most of it will eventually disappear.
Real reading wakes the sleepy person up and chooses the right goal for the undetermined. Proper books instruct people to be on the right track so as to avoid going astray.
As long as you are willing to learn, you must be able to learn.
There is no smooth road in science. There are numerous reefs and dangerous beaches in the river of truth. Only those who are not afraid of climbing and those who are not afraid of making waves will be able to climb up and gather immortal grass and go deep into the water to find Lizhu.
We need to learn to think and then write.
When water is full, it overflows; when the moon is full, it loses; when complacency is defeated, when conceited, it is foolish.
Human hope is like an eternal star, whose light cannot be hidden by dark clouds. Especially today, peace is not an ideal, a dream, it is the wish of all people.
Losing life becomes a gain.
If you keep learning, you will know everything. The more you know, the more powerful you are.
The early bird catches the worm, and the early bird catches the worm! ___________
I knew early that today#39;s reading was regretting my predecessor#39;s errors.
No destiny can be conquered without scorn, endurance and struggle.
Those who do not read will stop thinking.
Never give up. There is no failure in the world, only give up.
Youth should be energetic and dare to act.
The development and role of science and technology are endless, and science is a great thing.
Human brains and limbs are the same. If you use them more, they will be more flexible. If you don#39;t use them, they will be wasted.
Worry can rejuvenate the country, leisure can die.
Reading is learning, using is learning, and more important learning.
Genius is like this. If you work all your life, you will become a genius.
When times are dangerous, you will see the minister#39;s day and be loyal to the chaos.
Scientific inspiration is never waiting. If there is any chance in scientific discovery, then this 'chance' can only be given to those who are accomplished, to those who are good at independent thinking, to those who have perseverance, but not to lazy people.
A lot of empty talkers have appeared. They only read books to 'refute' others and to publicize their own spirit of ** so as to jump in front of those comrades who are more modest and serious.
Opening the key to all science is a question mark without any objection. What is the credit for most of our great discoveries? And the wisdom of life probably lies in asking why everything happens.
Human beings are inherently dead. Death is heavier than Mount Tai or lighter than feathers.
The greatest trust among people is honesty.
The territory of ancestors should be adhered to by death, not by size and people.
Eat a cut and grow wisdom.
No pains, no gains; to get a good harvest, we must cultivate well.
When the way forward is wrong, stopping is also a kind of progress.
Read to avoid death, read to death and drill horns.
It#39;s not more important to have no faults than to have them corrected.
Spring silkworm to the end of silk, wax torch grey tears began to dry.
The more books you read without thinking, the more you will feel that you know; and the more you read and think, the clearer you will see that you know very little.
Don#39;t sigh for the lost years, we must face up to the time that has slipped away in a hurry.
Learning depends on accumulation, memory on understanding, experience on reflection, and proficiency on practice.
Science has no frontier, but scientists have their motherland.
Learn from the past and learn from the past.
If you don#39;t know enough, then you can reflex; if you know difficulties, then you can strengthen yourself.
Without wind and waves, there would be no brave tide-maker, no thorns, and no indomitable pioneers.
Learning is the sweet fruit of hardship.

The seeds of science grow for the people#39;s harvest.
If a scholar wants to declare his righteousness, he must read his book first.
Learning is the treasure of one#39;s life, while Confucianism is the treasure of one#39;s life. As prime minister, you must use a scholar.
For those engaged in science, diligence is the mother of success.
Honesty is the magic weapon of life.
The modest students cherish the truth and don#39;t care about the praise of themselves; the first thing they think of is to show off the praise they have received, and they are indifferent to the truth. History of thought has shown that modesty is almost always in direct proportion to students#39;abilities, while immodesty is in inverse proportion.
Diligence is the decisive factor in the formation of genius. There is a certain proportion of diligence and hard work.
Laziness and poverty are always disgraceful, so everyone will try his best to conceal property from others and laziness from himself.
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