1、Happy birthday and happy every day. 2、愿你如阳光,明媚不忧伤。 3、愿时光能缓,人老心不老。 4、生日快乐开开心心每一天。 5、Friends, happy birthday, good health. 6、你可以只过生日,不用长大。 7、朋友,生日快乐,健康如意。 8、生日快乐,健康长寿每一天。 9、You can only have birthdays, not grow up. 10、愿你所愿成真,愿你此生无悔。 11、祝你生日快乐,永远健康美丽。 12、逢盛世人尤爽,遇佳期花愈妍。 13、Good news and best wishes for your birthday. 14、May you be like the sun, bright and not sad. 15、Happy birthday, always healthy and beautiful. 16、I wish you a happy birthday, young every day. 17、On your birthday, please accept my best wishes. 18、Happy birthday, healthy and long life every day. 19、Wish you a happy birthday in your colorful life! 20、Congratulations on your birthday and best wishes! 21、Happy birthday to you! Keep conquering more fans! 22、Years never defeat beauty! Happy birthday to you! 23、身体强壮,快快长大,越长越可爱哦。 24、May time be slow, but the old heart never grows old. 25、I give my blessing to wandering clouds and happy you! 26、Wish: happy birthday, not only today, but every year. 27、Wish every year can run in their love, happy birthday. 28、亲爱的朋友,祝你生日快乐,永远开心。 29、岁月从不败美人!送上祝福,生日快乐! 30、祝贺你生日快乐,并送上我衷心的祝愿! 31、Today is your birthday. Happy birthday and good health. 32、Dear friends, I wish you a happy birthday, always happy. 33、Today is your birthday. Happy birthday and all the best. 34、A gentle blessing is my sincere attachment to my friends. 35、Strong body, grow up fast, the longer the more lovely oh. 36、一句轻轻的祝福,是我对朋友真诚的眷恋。 37、愿以后能笑能闹能随性,敢爱敢恨敢追逐。 38、生日歌为你欢乐奏响,快乐幸福伴你成长。 39、祝好朋友生日快乐,分秒开心,美梦成真! 40、Thank God for giving me a special gift today, that is you. 41、今天是你的生日,祝你幸福快乐,万事如意! 42、今天是你的生日,祝你松柏常青,永沐春风! 43、今天是你的生日,祝你生日快乐,一切如意。 44、今天是你的生日,祝你生日快乐,健康长随。 45、愿你回望过去皆是无悔,展望前程已然不辜。 46、愿我在有生之年,年年为你点燃生日的烛焰。 47、朋友,生日之即,祝你事业顺利,爱情甜蜜! 48、生机勃勃,日堙月塞。快马加鞭,乐新厌旧。 49、May what you wish come true, and may you live without regret. 50、Wish you a prosperous career, good health and happy birthday! 51、Today is your birthday. I wish you happiness and all the best! 52、在你生日的这一天,请接受我对你的深深祝福。 53、愿你精致到老,眼里长着太阳,笑里全是坦荡。 54、愿每一岁都能奔走在自己的热爱里,生日快乐。 55、愿这特殊的日子里,你的每时每刻都充满欢乐。 56、我把祝福的心,托给漂泊的云,捎给快乐的你! 57、祝你生日快乐,愿以后的生活,能多一点幸运。 58、祝身体健康,工作顺利,升官发财,幸福美满! 59、Even if the time is old, we will not part. Happy birthday, sister. 60、告你好消息,祝福到身旁,祝你生日快乐永安康。 61、思念万千,祝福无数,在此生日之际,祝您快乐! 62、愿你事业蒸蒸日上,身体健康,最后祝生日快乐! 63、愿你在缤纷的人生之旅中,心想事成,生日快乐! 64、时光哪怕老了,我们也不会散。姐妹,生日快乐。 65、短短几句话,愿你幸福,快乐,一直。生日快乐! 66、I wish you all happiness and longevity. I wish you a happy birthday! 67、May I light the candles for your birthday every year in my lifetime. 68、Miss thousands, bless countless, on this birthday, I wish you happy! 69、Only a heart, care for a, send you a thick blessing: Happy Birthday! 70、May every moment of your life be filled with joy on this special day. 71、感谢上苍在今天给了我一个特别的礼物,那就是你。 72、祝愿:生日快乐,不止在今天,而是天天年年无边。 73、Friend, on your birthday, I wish you a smooth career and a sweet love! 74、Your birthday is coming, my heart and your rhythm, miss and bless you! 75、I wish you good health, success in your work, prosperity and happiness! 76、In this years most beautiful day, sincerely say to you: Happy Birthday! 77、祝你生日快乐,是那种从早上起床快乐到晚上进被窝。 78、Birthday song plays for your joy, happy happiness accompanies your growth. 79、Just a few words, I wish you happiness, happiness, always. Happy birthday! 80、Happy birthday! The new year is more and more beautiful, no worries, happy! 81、愿你从今往后,所遇到的一切,能给你向往热爱的力量。 82、It is full of life, and the moon is fading. Hurry up and be tired of the old. 83、你的生日来临之际,我的心和着你的节奏,思念并祝福你! 84、只有心香一瓣,关怀一份,为你送上浓浓祝福:生日快乐! 85、当年的同桌,今天的寿星,祝你生日快乐,年轻每一天哦。 86、祝生日快乐啦!新的一年越来越美丽,没有烦恼快快乐乐! 87、I wish you a happy birthday. I wish you a little more luck in your future life. 88、May everything you encounter from now on give you the strength to yearn for love. 89、今天是你的生日我的朋友,祝你生日快乐,更祝你天天快乐。 90、今天是你的生日,远方的我一直在掂念着你,祝你生日快乐。 91、你的小迷弟在这里祝你生日快乐,继续征服更多迷弟迷妹哟! 92、带上你的微笑,冲出你的花季,记住,青春无敌,生日快乐! 93、愿快乐的歌声,时刻围绕着你,使你的人生充满着幸福喜悦。 94、祝你禄常有,福禄寿全齐,人生又走一步棋,祝你生日快乐! 95、I wish my best friend a happy birthday, happy every minute, and a dream come true! 96、May happy songs surround you all the time and fill your life with happiness and joy. 97、原来你生日,万物都送爽,祝福到身旁,祝你生日快乐永安康。 98、又酷又可爱的秭一生日快乐!祝身体健康,新的一岁越来越好! 99、愿你眼里藏着太阳,笑里全是坦荡,卡里全是钞票,生日快乐。 100、Happy birthday to Zigi, who is cool and lovely! I wish you good health and a new year! 101、Its very nice to meet people in the prime time, and the more beautiful the flowers are. 102、在这个一年中最最美丽的日子里,真诚地对你说一声:生日快乐! 103、愿你付出甘之如饴,所得归于欢喜,愿你所喜所爱,皆唾手可得。 104、每年这天祝福你,望你健康又美丽,幸运永远追随你,生日快乐! 105、祝姐妹:前程似锦,事业风顺,爱情真纯,生活好运!生日快乐! 106、Wish sister: bright future, smooth career, pure love, good luck in life! Happy birthday! 107、May you look back on the past without regret, and look forward to the future without fail. 108、Today is your birthday, far away I have been thinking of you, I wish you a happy birthday. 109、Today is your birthday. I send you my best wishes. May you be beautiful and happy forever! 110、今天是你的生日,我把祝愿送上。愿你永远美丽,幸福生活永徜徉! 111、Today is your birthday, my friend. I wish you a happy birthday, and I wish you a happy day. 112、Today is your birthday. I wish you evergreen pines and cypresses and spring breeze forever! 113、Take your smile, rush out of your flower season, remember, invincible youth, happy birthday! 114、I wish you exquisite to the old, with the sun in your eyes, full of magnanimity in your smile. 115、Happy birthday to you. Its the kind from getting up in the morning to getting into bed at night. 116、I wish I could laugh and play with you in the future, dare to love, dare to hate and dare to chase. 117、Every year, I wish you a happy birthday. I hope you are healthy and beautiful, lucky to follow you forever! 118、May the sun be hidden in your eyes, the smile is full of candor, the card is full of money, happy birthday. 119、May you give as much as you like, and all that you get is joy. May all that you like and love be at your fingertips. 120、It turns out that your birthday, everything sent cool, blessing to the side, I wish you a happy birthday forever and well-being. |
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