我原本是叼着烟在小巷堵人的 ,直到遇见你 ,我开始留意橱窗里的白裙子。下面为小编整理的特别温柔的英文句子。 1、The gentleness of life will run into your arms. 生活的温柔总会哒哒哒的跑进你怀里的。 2、You are warm and back lighting (你的温柔逆光而来) 3、But a glimpse of you was enough to delight me for years. 不过惊鸿一瞥 误见你眉眼 这欢喜 够我喜欢好多年。 4、I'm not greedy, only a little wish: life always have you. 我不贪心,只有一个小小的愿望:生命中永远有你。 5、I wish in your arms into the cat Jiao not proud. 我愿在你怀里成猫娇而不傲。 6、I yearn for life, less is more. 我所向往的生活,越简单越好。 7、After I met you, I opened my eyes to the flower fields and closed my eyes to the stars. 遇见你以后,我睁眼便是花田,闭眼是星空。 8、I love you very much, probably more than anybody could love another person 我非常爱你,也许超过世上任何一个人爱另外一个人可能达到的程度。 9、I love seeing your smile, I love hearing your joke, I love laughing to your jokes, I love your warm hands, and I love you. 我爱看你的笑容,我爱听你的笑话并开心大笑,我爱你温暖的手,还有,我爱你。 10、If my love is not as deep as the sea,how can miss be widespread and uncurbed. 若不是情深似海,思念又怎会泛滥成灾。 11、When it rains around the world, let's make it clear in our hearts. 当全世界约好一起下雨,让我们约好在心里放晴。 12、Love you so crazy you dream. 爱你如此.痴你如梦。 13、Before meeting you, indulge in the past. After meeting you, I plan to spend the rest of my life. 遇你之前,沉迷过往;遇你以后,盘算余生。 14、This world is too beautiful fireworks, love and hate are romantic. 这人间烟火 风花雪月太好看 爱恨情仇都浪漫。 15、I’ll think of you every step of the way. 我会想你,在漫漫长路的每一步 |
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