默行离别路,且听一首歌。 Lines parting road, listen to a song. 人们在曲终散,喜欢在离别时。 When people in the song, love is in part. 我并不习惯性离别,也不太喜欢离别。 Im not used to leave, also dont like to leave. 离别沒有离别,如同爱没声音。 Leave no departure, is like love without sound. 离别使感情热情,相逢则使它坚固。 Absence makes love warm, meet is to make it strong. 离别不用说再见,只愿彼此之间心里都念。 Leave dont say goodbye, I wish in the heart of each other. 离别务必匆匆忙忙,那样才不看起来寂寞。 Leave must be in a hurry, so dont be lonely. 要问离别是什么?离别是眯眼的沙。 What is you would like to ask to leave? Parting is eye of sand. 如果我说离别,你会不会爱我多一点。 If I say leave, will you love me more. 大家沒有再见,大家用离别诠释了离别。 We have no goodbye, we use leave interpretation of departure. 离别前的一声很抱歉,走以后的一句再见。 Leave a sorry before, after saying good-bye. 你没有按期回归,而这恰好是离别的实际意义。 You dont return on time, and this is the meaning of separation. 沒有瘢痕的伤最疼,沒有再见的离别最重要。 There is no scar injury is the most painful, goodbye the heaviest parting. 离别和心寒的痛苦,早已发不起响声来啦。 Leave and disappointed hurt, has not sent out the sound. 离别以前的暑光灯闭,才算是令人忧伤所属。 To leave before dawn dim, is the sad place. |