1、祝福您,新年快乐。 Wishing you a happy new year. 2、请接受我节日的祝贺。 Please accept my season's greetings. 3、我真心诚意地祝你幸福。 I wholeheartedly wish you happiness. 4、愿快乐幸福永伴你左右。 May the joy and happiness around you forever. 5、愿节日的愉快伴你一生。 Wishing you a happy holiday season. 6、我举杯祝你幸福与成功。 I raise my glass to your happiness and success. 7、祝你幸福一年胜似一年! I wish you a happy new year! 8、莲姬,祝你幸福永远幸福。 Lian Ji, I wish you happiness forever. 9、祝你幸福与成功与日同增。 I wish you happiness and success in the same increase. 10、祝你生日快乐,终身幸福。 I wish you a happy birthday and a lifetime of happiness. 11、恭祝健康、幸运,新年快乐。 Good luck, happy new year. 12、我们永远支持你,祝你幸福! We will always support you, I wish you happiness! 13、祝你们幸福并致最美好的祝愿。 I wish you all the best wishes for your happiness. 14、谨祝新年快乐幸福,大吉大利。 I wish you a happy new year, wish you good fortune and every success. 15、祝贺并衷心祝愿你们岁岁幸福。 Congratulations and wish you happiness. 16、真诚地祝你幸福、快乐、成功! Sincerely wish you happiness, happiness and success! 17、值此婚礼佳期,祝你幸福无比。 On the wedding day, I wish you happiness. 18、祝新年快乐,并致以良好的祝福。 I wish you a happy new year and best wishes for a happy new year. 19、真心的祝你幸福,全能的上帝保佑你! Sincerely wish you happiness, God Almighty bless you! 20、你们是天生的一对,祝你们永远幸福。 You are born a pair, I wish you happy forever. 21、真心的祝你幸福,全能的上帝保佑你。 Sincerely wish you happiness, God Almighty bless you. 22、恭祝新年吉祥,幸福和欢乐与你同在。 Wishing every happiness will always be with you. 23、愿你俩永浴爱河,祝你俩幸福与年俱增。 Wish you two fall in love forever, I wish you two happy. 24、在圣诞节和到来的一年,祝你幸福快乐。 In the Christmas and the coming year, I wish you happiness. 25、致以最良好的祝福,原你新年快乐幸福。 With very best wishes for your happiness in the new year. 26、祝你生日快乐,并祝身体健康,岁岁幸福。 I wish you a Happy birthday, wishing you good health and happiness. 27、请接受我最良好的祝愿,祝你幸福和成功。 Please accept my best wishes for your happiness and success. 28、祝好运、健康、佳肴伴你度过一个快乐新年。 Good luck, good health, hood cheer. I wish you a happy new year. 29、向你们表示祝贺,祝愿你们的婚姻美满幸福。 Congratulations to you and wish you a happy marriage. 30、在新年来临之际,祝福你平安、快乐、幸福! At the dawn of the new year, wishing you peace, joy and happiness! 31、祝贺贤伉俪幸福快乐,祝你们的幸福与日俱增。 Congratulations to you and your wife happy, wish you happiness grow with each passing day. 32、向前跑吧,别回头,我祝你成功,也祝你幸福。 Run ahead, don't look back, I wish you success, and wish you happiness. 33、得知今天是你的生日,我祝你幸福,健康,富足,快乐。 That today is your birthday, I wish you happiness, health, prosperity, happiness. 34、已经很低了!再低就是质量或材料有问题了!祝你幸福快乐! Already very low! Then low is the quality or material problems! I wish you happiness! 35、祝贺您和您的新娘获得最大的幸福,祝贺你们的幸福与年月俱增。 Congratulations to you and your bride for the greatest happiness, and to congratulate you on your happiness and your years. 36、愿一切最美好的祝福你都能收到,真诚地祝你幸福、快乐、成功! May everything beautiful and best be received by you, and I sincerely wish you happiness, joy and success! 37、愿一切最美好的祝福都能成为现实,真诚地祝你幸福、快乐、成功! May everything beautiful and best be with you. I sincerely wish you happiness, joy and success! 38、我祝你幸福豪富。我所以放纵你的求婚,也就是为了免得你发生什么意外。 I wish you very happy. I am so indulged in your marriage proposal, that is, in order to avoid any accidents. |
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