1、懂得珍惜身边所拥有的一切,这就是人生中最大的幸福。 Know how to cherish all around, this is the greatest happiness in life. 2、我们要珍惜幸福,珍惜拥有,珍惜你身边的每一缕阳光,珍惜上帝对你的每一种恩赐。 We should cherish the happiness, cherish own, cherish every ray of sunshine beside you, cherish every gift of God for you. 3、真正幸福的人,不一定拥有很多财富,只要内心充满爱和快乐,那他就是一个幸福的人,这种幸福是任何金钱换不来的。 Truly happy people, do not necessarily have a lot of wealth, as long as the heart is full of love and happiness, then he is a happy person, this kind of happiness is any money can not change. 4、珍惜父母留给自己健全的体魄,珍惜为你付出的人,珍惜亲人和朋友感情,只有好好的珍惜现在,才能把握明天的幸福。 Cherish their parents for their own sound body, cherish the people who pay for you, cherish the feelings of relatives and friends, only a good treasure now, to grasp the happiness of tomorrow. 5、幸福是每个人生命的追求,每个人都渴望幸福,他们认为活得轻松快乐就是幸福。其实幸福就是满足,满足了一切,你将会永远幸福。 Happiness is the pursuit of everyone's life, everyone is eager to happiness, they think that happiness is happiness. In fact, happiness is to meet, to meet all, you will always be happy. 6、珍惜身边所有的人,珍惜爱你的人,珍惜你身边一直陪伴你的人,珍惜每一份缘,珍惜人生路上的每一次相逢。只要用心去体会,人生才会有更多的收获。 Cherish all the people around you, cherish the people who love you, cherish the people around you have always been with you, cherish every chance, cherish every life on the road to meet each time. As long as the heart to experience, life will have more harvest. 7、虽然每个人不能拥有全部的幸福,但总有幸福陪伴在你身边。幸福是美好的,它是雨后的彩虹,是晴空万里的白云,是我们脸上灿烂的笑容。只要好好珍惜现在的幸福,才能迎接美好的明天。 Although everyone can not have all the happiness, but there are always happy to accompany in your side. Happiness is good, it is the rainbow after the rain, blue skies and white clouds, is a bright smile on our face. Just cherish the present happiness, to meet a better tomorrow. 8、人的一生中,有很多幸福就在你的身边,只是看你懂不懂得去珍惜。珍惜了,会幸福一生,错过了,也许再也找不回来。要想得到幸福,首先要懂得去珍惜,只有懂得珍惜,你才是世界上最幸福的人。 Person's life, there are a lot of happiness in your side, just to see you understand do not know how to cherish. Cherish, will be happy life, missed, may never find. To be happy, we must first know how to cherish, only know how to cherish, you are the happiest people in the world. 9、病人说:“幸福就是拥有一个健康的身体。”农民说:“幸福是每一年的大丰收。”小孩子说:“幸福是拥有很多自己喜欢的玩具。”正在坐牢的人说:“幸福就是自由。”我说:“幸福是一家人团圆美满,没一个人平平安安。” The patient said: "happiness is to have a healthy body." The farmer said, "happiness is a great harvest every year." The child said: "happiness is to have a lot of their favorite toys." The man in jail said, "happiness is freedom." I said: "happiness is a happy family, no one Pinpin Ann Ann." 10、幸福是給懂得珍惜生活的人一份礼物,每个人都渴望得到幸福。幸福是一种生活态度,也是人生观和价值观。当我们浸润在幸福之中的时候,往往感觉不到,当意识到这是幸福的时候,可能这份幸福已经不再拥有。所以幸福是靠自己去爭取的。 Happiness is a gift to those who know how to cherish life, and everyone is eager to be happy. Happiness is a kind of life attitude, it is also a concept of life and values. When we are in the happiness of the time, often do not feel, when they realize that this is a happy time, it may not have the happiness. So happiness is to rely on their own to fight for. 11、四川8·0级的地震,使许多原本幸福的家庭支离破碎,很多的父母失去了自己疼爱的孩子,很多孩子成了孤儿,在电视上看到一个个哭得泣不成声的人,在广播里听到一声声撕心裂肺的哭声,这些都让我懂得,我们应该更加珍惜眼前拥有的幸福。 Sichuan 8 - 0 magnitude earthquake, many of the original happy family fragmented, and many parents lost love their children, many children become orphans, on TV see one cried tears of people and the cry of a piercing sound is heard on the radio, this let me know, we should cherish the present have happiness. 12、惜福、惜缘、惜物、惜字,每一份心,都是一份心,那份心会懂得什么风光可以舍弃“心”就在每个人方寸之间,小小的一方,变化万千,是好或是难过,全看你自己怎么过,你怎么栽就怎么收,聪明的你,告诉自己,该选择多大的空间给自己容,给自己梦。 Cherish Fu, Xiyuan, cherishing, but unfortunately the word, each a heart is a heart, the heart will know what beauty can abandon "heart" is between each square inch, a small party, ever-changing is good or sad, it all depends on what you have, you have to plant on how to close, you the wise, tell yourself, the choice of space to their capacity, to his dream. 13、人要懂得惜福,惜得身边握拄的福气,就是惜了最可贵的生命,因为人的一世,得付出许多宝贵的东西,当时也许舍不得,但必须换取,过后也许不在意,但是已然失号去,得到了也许看不起,得不到又觉得不甘心,总是在反反覆覆中失去了本心待到全不在乎时,已然错过了一切,无从拾取。 People to know Xifu, cherish side grip on the blessing, is to cherish the most valuable life. Because the life, must pay many valuable things, then maybe reluctant, but must be in exchange for, after may not care, but already lost, to get the may despise, not to think can not be reconciled, always in the repeated lost conscience until all don't care, has already missed everything, don't pick up. 14、或者,珍惜已经拥有的,你就有可以对自己大声的唱:“你快乐吗?我很快乐。”在忙忙碌碌的生命,可曾有过真正的满足?可曾有过真正的感恩?可曾享受真正的淡泊自适?那不是一种离群而索居的孤寂,而是一种更入世的付出,而因为有了真心的付出,以致于心中有一种富足和平静的淡淡感应,那份感应,会使得自己觉好。 Or, if you cherish what you already have, you can sing to yourself: "you are happy? I am very happy." In the bustling about life, can have real satisfaction? Ever had a real Thanksgiving? Can be enjoyed really indifferent to self? That is not an outlier live in solitude, but a more into the world of pay, and because of the pay really that in the mind have a rich and peaceful light induction, the induction, makes you feel good. 15、家的定义实在太大,它可以指一个普通的家庭,可以指一个国家,也可以指全世界。四川地震牵动了全世界人民的心,我们国家各个地区都在搞募捐,把食品、水之类的救济物品运往灾区。有些国家也打电话来慰问并送来了救济物资。我们不能做什么大事,我们只能给受灾的人民送去自己的祝福,让他们明白“地震无情人有情”,让他们在地震过后还能体会到“家”的幸福。 The definition of family is too big, it can refer to a common family, can refer to a country, can also refer to the whole world. Sichuan earthquake affects the hearts of the people all over the world, we are in various parts of the country to engage in fund-raising, the food, water and other relief items shipped to the disaster area. Some countries also called to comfort and sent relief supplies. We can not do great things, we can only send their blessings to the affected people, so that they understand the "earthquake no lover," so that they can experience the "home" of happiness after the earthquake. 16、上了中学,我们开始离开家到学校住宿,刚开始的时候,自己心里还很高兴,终于摆脱了父母,离开家这个“牢笼”出来自己飞,但久而久之,我们就情不自禁地开始想家了,想念父母的唠叨。每个月只能回一次家,每次要回家,我们都会提前把东西收拾好,只等时间一到,就马上冲出校门,跳上车,自己也不知道是想父母还是想家,心里那种幸福感油然而生,嘴角也情不自禁地往上翘。 On the middle school, we began to leave home to boarding school, at the beginning, his heart is very happy, finally get rid of the parents, away from home the "cage" out of their own fly, but with the passage of time, we couldn't help began to feel homesick, miss their parents nagging. Each month can only return to a home, each time to go home, we will advance tidies up the thing, just waiting for the time to immediately out of the school gate, jump in the car, oneself also don't know to parents or homesick, the heart that kind of happy feeling arises spontaneously, mouth involuntarily upward. 17、有的人穷其一世,只为一份名,从来不去细想这份名是不是该属于自己,追寻啊追寻只落得事如春梦了无痕,有些人汲汲营营只为利,要弄钱不惜伤天害理,更多的人勘不被情关,贫求一个不在轨道上的感情,失去了准头,久久唤不回自己,最是伤情,为什么不回头想想家中已有了曾经患难与共一起走过许多好或坏日子的相知伴侣,为什么不抬头望望,天外有天,何处才萛登峰造极,为什么不能淡然于生不带来,死不带去,餍无日无己,为什么不懂得知足就是快乐。 Some people spend their lives, just as a name, never to consider this name is not the pursuit of their own, ah, only to end up pursuing things such as conduct, some money only for profit, to make money at anything, more people are not feeling exploration, seeking a not in poverty on the track of feelings, losing their focus, for a long time can not call back myself, the most is the injury, why not think back home have had many good or bad go through thick and thin together together through the day friend partner, why not look up, Knowledge is infinite., where Jiu why not indifferent to reach the peak of perfection, living not bring, bring death no, no trouble, why not understand contentment is happiness. 18、一家人在一起生活久了,在自己眼里平凡的家庭更显平凡了,爸爸的沉默寡言,妈妈的啰嗦,在我们眼里都是很熟悉的,我们渐渐长大,开始排斥父母的啰嗦,嫌他们多管闲事,当有一天父母离开我们去打工的时候,我们的心里又会感到空虚和落寞。回到家,不再有人从厨房里突然探出头来跟你说一句:“你回来了,饿了吗?”晚上看电视,也不会有人跟你说:“别看那么晚,对身体不好。”在客厅里,不再闻到爸爸抽烟时淡淡的烟味,在厨房里,不再闻到妈妈下厨时浓浓的香味。这时,就会深深地感觉到一家人团圆是幸福。 A family in living together for a long time, in the eyes of ordinary families more explicit ordinary, taciturn father, mother's long winded, in our eyes are very familiar, we gradually grew up, began to reject parents long winded, too nosy they, when parents leave us to go to work one day when, our hearts will feel empty and lonely. Back home, no one from the kitchen head popped out with you to say: "you came back, hungry?" Watch TV at night, and no one will tell you: "don't look so late, it is not good for your health." In the living room, no longer smell the smell of smoke in the kitchen, in the kitchen, no longer smell the smell of cooking when the mother. At this time, it will be deeply felt a happy family reunion is a happy. |
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