想碰瓷想这辈子就栽在你身上不爬起来。下面为小编整理的撩妹必学的英文句子。 1、你的小可爱没电了,请亲亲激活。Your little cute is out of power. Please activate it in person. 2、我觉得我跟你在一起,会是我的人生更加完整!I think my life will be more complete if I am with you! 3、我一直在关注你,用一切你知道的或不知道的方式。I've been watching you, in all the ways you know or don't know. 4、亲爱的,我真的很爱你,你知道吗?Honey, I really love you, you know? 5、桀骜不驯的我,最终还是顺从了你。Rebellious, I finally obey you. 6、原来快乐不能假装,原来瞬间也能永远。The original happiness can not be pretended, the original moment can be forever. 7、温暖的你,是我最想遇见的风景。Warm you, is the scenery I want to meet most. 8、理解归理解,可是醋我还是要吃的。Understanding means understanding, but I still want vinegar. 9、我在心里上了无数把的锁,只为不愿让你走。I locked countless locks in my heart just for not letting you go. 10、我不要别人的拥抱,因为那里没有你的心跳。I don't want other people's hugs, because there is no your heartbeat. 11、我没法看你长大,但我想看你和我一起到老。I can't see you grow up, but I want to see you grow old with me. 12、未经允许,私…私自喜欢你。Without permission I like you personally. 13、只缘感君一回顾,使我思君朝与暮。Only the feeling of your retrospection makes me think of your morning and evening. 14、眉毛之间的故事要么深情,要么失败。The story between the eyebrows is either affectionate or failure. 15、我喜欢在夜色里拥抱你,因为夜色温柔,而你更甚。I like to embrace you in the night, because the night is gentle, and you are even more. |
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