日慌慌,夜怅怅,倚床老想你模样。下面为小编整理的撩人英文情话。 1、爱你就像每天睁开眼睛一样、这是必须的!Loving you is like opening your eyes every day! 2、亲爱的,你的一辈子,我来承担。Honey, I'll take care of your whole life. 3、虽然不能天天见,分分秒秒把你念。Although I can't see you every day, I read you every minute. 4、我不敢说永远,我只能给你最长久的陪伴。I dare not say forever, I can only give you the longest company. 5、不思进取,思你。Do not think enterprising, think of you. 6、事情总要分先前后,你先,全世界后。Things have to be divided before and after, you first, the whole world after. 7、我是面试的,面试你的男朋友。I'm interviewing. I'm interviewing your boyfriend. 8、告诉桃花,不必再开了。Tell the peach blossom that it doesn't need to bloom again. 9、爱情的路上,两个人就好,三个人太多。On the road of love, two people are good, three people are too many. 10、给你一个拥抱,将幸福传递。Give you a hug, pass on happiness. 11、何以解忧,唯唯有抱抱你。How to solve the problem is to hold you. 12、亲爱的,不管在哪里,你都是我的唯一。Honey, no matter where you are, you are the only one for me. 13、愿你知晓,对你的爱,一生不变!May you know that love for you will never change in your life! 14、和你在一起,鸡毛蒜皮也成了故事。With you, a little bit of a story. 15、白头偕老不辜负,才是幸福。It is happiness to live a long life together and live up to it. |
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