一、以后遇见的人,都是心里装着别人的人。 All the people I meet in the future are those who are holding others in their hearts. 二、别把我对你的死心塌地,当做是你对我爱搭不理的资本,好吗?
Don't take my heart to you,
as you love me to ignore the capital,
三、爱情就像笑话,笑死了别人,笑疼了自己。 Love is like a joke. It kills others and hurts itself. 四、我讨厌现在的自己,一无所有,满身疲惫,就连“未来”两个字,都不敢轻易提出口。 I hate my present self, with nothing and exhaustion. Even the word “future”, I dare not speak it easily.
五、温柔正确的人总会活得很难,因为这个世界既不温柔,也不正确。 Gentle and right people always live hard, because the world is neither gentle nor right. 六、你说什么最难熬,是漫漫长夜,还是两月三年,是两人相爱的不能见面,还是你爱的人不爱你。 What do you say the most difficult, is a long night, or two months three years, is two people in love can not meet, or you love the people do not love you.
七、有些温暖的事情我只想为你做,就算你不要,我也不舍得给别人。 Some warm things I just want to do for you, even if you do not, I do not want to give to others. 八、我们遗憾的并不是错过了最好的人,而是遇到了最好的人,却把最好的自己用完了。 What we regret is not that we have missed the best person, but that we have used up the best ourselves after meeting the best person.
九、难过这个东西吧,难是难,但终究会过。 Sad this thing, difficult is difficult, but eventually will pass. 十、每个人都会劳累和痛苦,没人能为你承担所有的伤悲,人总有那么一段时间要学会自己长大。 Everyone will be tired and painful, no one can bear all the sadness for you, people always have a period of time to learn to grow up.
十一、绝望是在每一次的失望中累积出来的,而爱则是被不懂珍惜的人消耗殆尽的。 Despair is accumulated in every disappointment, but love is consumed by those who do not know how to cherish. 十二、难过就不要听扰心绪的歌,饿了的话就吃东西,怕黑就不要待在暗处,你总是一个人,别为难自己。 Sad don't listen to disturbed mood song, hungry words eat, afraid of the dark don't stay in the dark, you are always a person, don't embarrass yourself.
十三、成长最痛的一课是,那个你从未设防的人朝你开了最猛的一枪。 One of the most painful lessons in growing up is that the person you've never defended shoots you the hardest. 十四、失而复得的东西根本就回不到最初的样子,即便再好,也忘不了有段时间曾失去过。 Lost things are not back to the original appearance, even if no matter how good, also forget that there was a period of time lost.
十五、任何东西只要足够迷惑你,就足以毁了你,心软是病,情深致命。 Anything is enough to confuse you, is enough to destroy you, soft heart is sick, love is fatal. 十六、我以我的方式爱你,你却说我不了解你。可是我想告诉你,我也许给你的不是你想要的,但是我给你的都是我认为最好的。 I love you the way I do and you say I don't know you. But I want to tell you, I may not give you what you want, but I give you what I think is the best. |