一、祝你从今往后前程似锦,不再烟酒为伴,孤独为友,也不再相信爱情。 I wish you a bright future henceforth, with no more smoke and wine, no more loneliness and no more faith in love. 二、如果还不能脱单,就赶紧让自己脱贫吧,你总不能身边没人,卡里又没钱。 if you still can't get off the single, let yourself out of poverty, you can't always have no one around, card and no money.
三、这个世界没有错,谁让你长得不好看又没钱。 this world is not wrong, who let you grow not good-looking and no money. 四、你说要敬往事一杯酒,再爱也不回头,实际就算你醉到黄昏独自愁,如果那人伸出手,你还是会跟他走。 you said to toast the past cup of wine, then love also do not look back, in fact, even if you drunk to dusk alone worry, if the man stretched out his hand, you will still follow him.
五、苦尽甘来,可苦不会尽,你也不会来。 the sweet after the bitter, can not do, you will not come. 六、这个世界上最残忍的一句话,不是对不起,也不是我恨你,而是,我们再也回不去。 the most cruel word in the world, not sorry, not I hate you, but, we can not go back.
七、那些短暂又不诚恳的喜欢,你不如不要和我表达。 those short and not sincere like, you'd better not to express with me. 八、终于有一天我可以坦然地面对你,你不再光芒四射,我也终于醒悟,你本是个凡人,光环是我眼里的。 finally one day I can calmly face you, you no longer radiant, I finally wake up to the fact that you are a mortal, halo is in my eyes.
九、我听过所有美好的故事,都发生在别人身上。 All the good stories I've ever heard happened to someone else. 十、你应该爱一个能带给你动力的人,而不是一直让你筋疲力竭的人。虽然感情不由人,但还是要清醒一点。 You should love someone who motivates you, not someone who exhausts you. Although the feeling is not from the person, but still want to sober up a bit.
十一、所有极致的情感都是短暂的,比如极度的喜悦,或彻底的悲伤。 All extreme emotions are transient, such as extreme joy, or complete sadness. 十二、从来都是一个人蜷缩在角落闭目塞听,用更难过的事情驱走难过,因为我身边没有你,也没有希望。 has always been a person huddled in the corner to listen, with more sad things to drive away sad, because I have no you, there is no hope.
十三、我们曾经那么好,现在却连声问候,都怕是打扰。 We used to be so good, but now even voice greetings, are afraid to disturb. 十四、时间告诉我们,感情可以变淡,说过的话可以不算,爱过的人可以再换。 Time tells us, feelings can be diluted, said can not count, love can be changed again.
十五、适当的有所保留,不管是爱情还是友情,不然你会输得很惨。 Appropriate reservations, whether it is love or friendship, or you will lose very badly. 十六、你只能折腾到在乎你的人,对于不在乎你的人,忘记了你的人,你的所作所为根本起不了任何作用。 you can only toss about the people who care about you, for the people who do not care about you, forget you, your actions do not play any role. |
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