一、变心是本能,忠诚是选择。很开心你能来,不遗憾你离开。不能相濡以沫,那就相忘于江湖。 Change is instinct, loyalty is choice. I'm glad you came. I'm not sorry you left. Can not help each other, it will forget in the river's lake. 二、做个平淡不平庸的人,不乱于心,不困于情。一身正气,浪荡自由。不谈亏欠,不负遇见。 Do a plain not mediocre person, not confused in the heart, not trapped in the situation. A healthy body, free wave. Never talk of debts, never meet.
三、热水治不了百病,情话过不了一生。 Hot water can not cure all diseases, love is not a lifetime. 四、如果一别两宽那么简单,就不会有那么多人选择纠缠,不要执着的道理谁都懂,可真正爱过的人,怎么可能说放手就放手。 If one do not two wide so simple, there will not be so many people choose to entwine, do not adhere to the truth who all understand, can really love the people, how can say let go.
五、一生中最爱的人,是别人怀中的人! The one I love most in my life is the one in my arms! 六、一时兴起提出分手,只是想知道会不会被挽留,谁知道对方顺水推舟,从此再也没有回头。 On the spur of the moment put forward to break up, just want to know whether can be detained, who knows the other side goes with the flow, never looked back from now on.
Old people dare not mention, afraid of sad, new people dare not touch, afraid to disappoint. Only tobacco and wine can hurt the body without sorrow. 八、我讨厌现在的自己,一无所有,满身疲惫,就连未来两个字,都不敢轻易说出口。 I hate myself now, have nothing, covered with exhaustion, even the future two words, are not easy to say.
九、不要把热情浪费在不值得的人身上,不要把时间消耗在不值得的事上。 Don't waste your passion on someone who isn't worth it, and don't waste your time on something that isn't worth it. 十、曾经的情话与诺言,像耳光一样,抽得我哑口无言。 Once love words and promises, like a slap in the face, hit me speechless.
十一、世界上没有不付出就可以得到的爱情。 There is no love in the world that you can get without giving. 十二、现在的人都这样,突然不联系,突然就消失不见了,所以你得随时做好每个人都会离开的准备。 Now people are like this, suddenly out of contact, suddenly disappeared, so you have to always be ready for everyone to leave.
十三、除非互相喜欢,否则所有的喜欢,全都是心酸。 Unless like each other, otherwise all like, all is sad. 十四、我能饮下烈酒,也能熬过没有你的深秋。希望你一生没有软肋,不像我,别人一提到你,我就输了。 I can drink liquor, can also endure the late autumn without you. I hope you have no weakness in your life, unlike me, when people mention you, I lose.
十五、喜欢一个人,是一万次心跳呼吸,也是一万次低头叹息。 Like a person, is ten thousand heart beats breathing, is also ten thousand bow sigh. 十六、希望有那么一天,爱而不得的都能释怀,已经错过的终将放下。余生很长,放下错的人,才能拥抱属于你的幸福。 I hope that one day, we can let go of all the things we love but cannot get, and let go of the things we have missed. The rest of your life is long, put down the wrong person, to embrace your happiness. |
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