一、时间告诉我们,说过的话可以不算,爱过的人可以再换。 Time tells us, said can not count, the people who loved can be changed. 二、懒得重新认识一个异性,再问名字,再问年龄,再聊天,再了解对方,再磨合,一想就烦,不知道是我恋旧还是我懒。 Too lazy to know a opposite sex, again ask name, again ask age, again chat, again understand each other, again run in, a want to be vexed, I do not know is I love old or lazy.
三、以前耳朵馋,话和歌都贪婪,现在嘴巴怂,想爱却言不由衷。 The ears were greedy before, words and songs are greedy, now the mouth, want to love but insincere. 四、没有人可以永远无条件的陪伴着你,要知道,下雨天的时候连影子都会缺席。 No one can always accompany you unconditionally, you know, the rainy day even the shadow will be absent.
五、其实人都差不多,新鲜感和热情消失得很快,哪有什么狗屁真心,情义千斤抵不过胸脯二两。 In fact, people are about the same, the freshness and enthusiasm disappeared very quickly, which have what bullshit sincerity, love and justice of the thousand pounds arrived but chest two. 六、时间才不会等着你慢慢疗伤,你只能在马不停蹄的生活中忘记所有悲伤。 Time is not waiting for you to slowly heal, you can only in the non-stop life forget all the sadness.
七、陪你走完了这一段路,我也变成你路过的路,从此人山人海,不再归来。 Accompany you to walk this part of the road, I also become you pass by the road, from people mountain people sea, no longer return.
I am very tired of living, but I dare not die. The night is too long for me to cope with the sad mood, and at dawn it is another day to pretend to be happy.
九、有些事,只能一个人做。有些关,只能一个人过。有些路,只能一个人走。 Some things can only be done by one person. Some pass, can only one person. Some roads, can only walk alone. 十、你一定很爱很爱过一个人,努力顺从她,什么都依着她,但是最终还是没有在一起。 You must have loved someone very much, tried to obey her, depended on her for everything, but in the end it didn't work out.
十一、掏心掏肺的对一个人,有可能会换来一生的知己,也有可能会换来一生的教训。 The heart out of a person, it is possible to trade for a lifetime of confidants, but also may trade for a lifetime of lessons. 十二、人一生会遇到约3000万的人,两个人相爱的概率是0.000049。所以你不爱我,我不怪你。 People will meet about 30 million people in their lifetime, and the probability of two people falling in love is 0.000049. So you don't love me, I don't blame you.
十三、任何事到最后都是好事,如果还不是好事,就是没有到最后。 Everything to the end is a good thing, if not good, is not to the end. 十四、我生活在没有你的城市,尽管如此,我还是用各种方式关注你的生活,以路人的身份,多心酸,你的喜怒哀乐全不是为我。 I live in a city without you. Nevertheless, I still pay attention to your life in various ways. As a passer-by, I feel sad.
十五、所谓的放不下也不过就是,四杯烈酒,三根香烟,两滴眼泪和一个难熬的夜晚。 No more than four shots, three cigarettes, two tears and a bad night. 十六、对你的感情就到这里了,没什么好祝愿你的,违心的话说出来,也不够漂亮;就希望你,走好你的路,千万千万,不要再来招惹我。 For your feelings here, nothing good wish you, against the heart of the words out, not beautiful enough; Just hope you, take your way, and don't come to me again. |