一、世界这么大,而我真正想落脚的地方,是你的身旁。 The world is so big, and the place Where I really want to rest my feet is beside you. 二、我这个人啊,满身阴暗,还总想着给你一点阳光。 I am a person, covered with darkness, but also always want to give you a little sunshine.
三、你是我看一眼就想好这辈子的人。 You are the one I want to live with at a glance. 四、我今天心情好好,好到想马上跑去你面前亲亲你。 I am in a good mood today, so good that I want to run to you and kiss you immediately.
五、我可以和你相亲嘛,就是你亲我一下,我亲你一下那种。 I can go on a blind date with you. You give me a kiss, I give you a kiss. 六、祝我们爱到民政局,疼到妇产科,甜到奶粉店,久到敬老院。 I wish we love to civil affairs bureau, pain to obstetrics and gynecology, sweet to milk powder shop, long to the nursing home.
七、情书给你一封,情话给你一句,余生给你一人。 Love letter to you, love to give you a sentence, the rest of my life to you a person. 八、如果人也有尾巴的话,这么说还真有点难为情呢。因为和你在一起的时候,我想,我会忍不住摇尾巴。 If people had tails, it would be a little embarrassing to say so. Because when I'm with you, I think, I can't help wagging my tail.
九、我每天都在想你,就像脑子里开了单人循环一样。 I think about you every day. It's like a one-man loop in my head. 十、我不用你精致灵活,不愿你处处周到太辛苦,我只想你一辈子,在我身边做个可爱的傻孩子。 I don't need you delicate and flexible, do not want you everywhere thoughtful too hard, I just want you a lifetime, in my side do a lovely silly child.
十一、我跋山涉水,我披荆斩棘,你不是终途,你是原因。 I crossed mountains and rivers, I swept all the way, you are not the end, you are the reason. 十二、我做过最勇敢的事,就是穿过人潮,来到你的身边,牵着你的手,走过漫漫人生。 The bravest thing I've ever done is to walk through the crowd, to be with you, to hold your hand, to walk through life.
十三、你害得我长蛀牙了,因为每次想你我都满口甜蜜。 You make me grow tooth decayed, because every time I think of you I am full of sweet. 十四、别人都是见异思迁,而我从看见你的第一眼起,就贼心不死,不肯罢休。 Other people are fickle, but I saw you from the first eye, will not give up.
I hope you do CPR, because you're so beautiful I can't breathe. 十六、我要陪你走很多的长街小巷,我要和你过很多的春夏秋冬,我要带你辗转却不流离,我要给你热烈而又安稳。 I want to accompany you to walk a lot of long streets and lanes, I want to spend a lot of spring, summer, autumn and winter with you, I want to take you tossing and turning but not wandering, I want to give you warm and safe. |
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