一、我在想你,表面不露痕迹,心里不留余地。 I think of you, no trace of surface, heart leaves no room. 二、我想和你拥有一个很长很长的未来,很想和你得到所有人的祝福,很想陪你走完你的一生,彼此温暖互不辜负。 I want to have a very long future with you. I want to get everyone's blessing with you. I want to accompany you to the end of your life.
三、愿未来所有的好时光都有你相伴,愿情话终有主,你我不再孤独。 May all the good times come with you. May the words come to you and you and I won't be alone. 四、我之前没有爱过别人,你是第一个,我怕我做得不好,让你觉得爱情不过如此。 I have never loved anyone before, you are the first, I am afraid I do not do well, let you think that love is only so.
五、我喜欢你,这是执念,也是贪欲,是我的私心由爱生痴,由爱生念。 I like you, this is an obsession, but also greed, is my selfish love from love to madness, from love to read. 六、可能我这小半生唯一的亮点就是遇见你,仿佛后来遇见再多的人,都是为了告诉我你有多好。 Maybe the only bright spot in my life is to meet you, as if later I met more people, all in order to tell me how good you are.
七、你是寒流,我是暖流,于深海中相遇,在朦胧薄雾下轻吻。 You are the cold current, I am the warm current, meet in the deep sea, in the haze kiss. 八、我想给你:时常的惦记,温柔的语气,无理由的偏爱,而且每天都想说的明天见。 I want to give you: often miss, gentle tone, no reason of preference, and every day want to say see you tomorrow.
九、把心事全部都丢掉,腾出地方来装雪花、夜风、糖果、银河,酒和你! Throw everything away to make room for snow, night wind, candy, Milky Way, wine and you! 十、喜欢你眼睛里的光,喜欢你偷偷抓紧我的手,喜欢你衣服里好闻的味道,喜欢你的一切。 Like the light in your eyes, like you secretly grasp my hand, like the good smell of your clothes, like everything about you.
十一、即使我再张牙舞爪,蛮不讲理,希望我在你眼里依然是最好的宝贝。 I hope I am still the best baby in your eyes, even if I am still arrogant and unreasonable. 十二、我曾经年少轻狂,莽撞到视死如归,却因为遇到你,突然开始渴望长命百岁! I was young and frivolous, recklessly to death, but because of you, suddenly began to long life!
十三、我愿为你放弃所有野心,余生只做你怀里的猫。 I would like to give up all ambition for you and only do the cat in your arms for the rest of my life. 十四、只想让你开心让你笑,远离世界上的所有烦恼;只想陪你白发陪你老,见证和你有关的所有故事。 Just want to make you happy to make you smile, away from all the troubles in the world; Just want to accompany your white hair accompany you old, witness and all the stories about you.
十五、以前想去的地方有很多,现在只想呆在有你的地方。 There are many places I wanted to go before, but Now I just want to stay where you are. 十六、陪你把岁月熬成清酒,陪你把孤夜熬成温柔;你醉就醉在我怀里,你醒就醒在我枕边。 Accompany you to boil the years into sake, accompany you to boil the lonely night into tenderness; You drunk drunk in my arms, you wake up in my pillow. |
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