一、我不要山,不要海,我只想悄悄地,在黑夜里,偷走月亮,带着我的情书走向你。 I don't want the mountains, not the sea, I just want to quietly, in the night, steal the moon, with my love letter to you. 二、耳中所听皆是你的呢喃,心之所向是指你为南,目之所及除你之外尽是荒野。 What you hear in your ears is your whisper, what your heart says is that you are south, and what your eyes see is nothing but wilderness. 三、想成为你这辈子,不管过了多少年,遇见了多少人,以后回想起来还会觉得妙不可言的人。 Want to be your life, no matter how many years, met many people, in retrospect will feel wonderful.
四、没经过你的同意,就把你放在心上,是我不好。可你没有我的允许,便走进了我的心里,就是你的不对了。 It's my fault to take you to heart without your consent. But you do not have my permission, then into my heart, is your wrong. 五、遇见你之后,我的伟大抱负和一腔热血,都变成黄昏与你回家,走在小路上的简单愿望。 After meeting you, my great ambition and a cavity of blood, all become dusk to go home with you, walk on the path of simple desire.
No reason, just feel like you very much, smell sweet, then my heart is happy, if you come more time, I will be happy more time.
七、最好的爱情就是,全世界都在催我长大,你却总能捧我在手掌。 The best love is, the world is urging me to grow up, but you can always hold me in the palm of your hand. 八、如果上天让我许三个愿望,第一个是今生今世和你在一起,第二个是再生再世和你在一起,第三个是永生永世和你不分离。 If god asks me to make three wishes, the first is to be with you in this life, the second is to be with you in this life, the third is to be with you in all eternity. 九、海风吹着发香,海岸你的肩膀,海鸥般的眉线,眼睛深邃大海一样。沉默仿佛月光,凝视就是太阳,你在我的心上,夜以继日透下光芒。 The sea breeze blows the hair sweet, the coast your shoulder, the seagull-like eyebrow line, the eye deep sea like. Silence is like the moon, gaze is the sun, you in my heart, day and night through the light.
十、我想把你写成一部故事,或喜或悲或洒脱,你不要急我慢慢写,慢慢写,写到你两鬓斑白,写到你步履蹒跚。 I want you to write a story, or happy or sad or free and easy, you don't want me to write slowly, slowly, write about your hair gray, write about your steps. 十一、我的眼中没有星辰大海,没有纸醉金迷,没有灯红酒绿,只有你。 There are no stars in my eyes, no life, no lights, only you. 十二、我在贩卖日落,你像神明一样慷慨地将光洒向我,从此人间被点亮。后来才发现那是我眼睛里的光,可那又如何,我爱慕的是你,而非你发着光的模样。 I was selling sunsets, and you were so generous as a god to shed light on me, and the world was lit. Then I found out it was the light in my eyes, but so what, it was you I admired, not the way you glowed.
十三、最想的是你,最不想打扰的也是你。这世间虽有千般好,但唯独你最珍贵。 The most want you, the least want to disturb you. Although there are thousands of good in this world, but only you the most precious. 十四、认识你之前,我一直觉得单身真好。认识你之后,我每天都在祈祷有情人终成眷属。 Before I met you, I thought it was good to be single. Ever since I met you, I have prayed every day that all shall be well. 十五、你是无意穿堂风,却偏偏引山洪;我是垂眉摆渡滃,却偏偏独爱浓。 You do not mean to cross the draft, but just lead to the mountain flood; I was hacheng hacheng, but only love thick.
十六、最美的爱情,没有天荒,也没有地老,只是想与你相伴一生,仅此而已。 The most beautiful love, no days, no old, just want to accompany you for life, that's all. 十七、想做你的暖阳,春季里陪你踏春,夏日里给你阳光,秋日里给你收获,冬日里给你温暖。 Want to be your warm sun, spring to accompany you to spring, summer to give you the sun, autumn to give you harvest, winter to give you warmth. 十八、见你,是揽一捧细碎的日光,到处都是晴天,想你,是舀一碗浓稠的夜,梦里都泛着甜。 See you, is a handful of sunshine, everywhere is a sunny day, miss you, is a bowl of thick night, the dream is full of sweet.
十九、你喜欢,江河湖海,温柔的风,美味的事物,写在纸上的诗意风情。而我,喜欢你所有的喜欢,包括你。 You like, river, lake and sea, gentle wind, delicious food, written on paper poetic style. And I, like you all like, including you. 二十、喜欢一个人是根本藏不住的,就像日出日落,海涨海退,是那么自然的事情。哪怕你极力想要掩盖,可你的温柔和眼神早已经出卖自己,你真的好喜欢他。 Like a person is not at all hidden, like sunrise and sunset, the sea rises and falls, is so natural thing. Even if you try to hide, but your gentle and eyes have already sold yourself, you really like him. 二十一、遇见你以后,以前坚定不移的理想型都见鬼去了。原来,你就是跳出我所有预期的美好意外。 Ever since I met you, I've lost all my old firm ideals. So you just jumped out of all my expectations.
二十二、一阵风一辈子只为一棵树而停下脚步;一朵云一辈子只为一片土地而化成雨滴;我愿做你的风,你的云!而你永远是我心中最最重要的那亩田! A gust of wind for a lifetime to stop for a tree; A cloud for a lifetime only a piece of land and into rain; I would like to be your wind, your clouds! And you will always be in my heart the most important acres! 二十三、如果有一千个人从我身边走过,我也可以听出你的脚步声,因为其他人是踏在地上,只有你踏在我的心上。 If a thousand people pass by me, I can hear your footsteps, for the others tread on the ground, but you tread on my heart. 二十四、那年夏天,风遇见云,花遇见树,萤火虫遇见星光,而我遇见你。 That summer, the wind met the clouds, the flowers met the trees, the firefly met the stars, and I met you. |