一、我要打败沮丧情绪,赢一口袋开心给你。 I want to beat the blues and win a pocket of joy for you. 二、若有来世,我要生在国庆节,死在清明节。我生的时候,普天同庆。我死的时候,全世界都在悲伤。 If there is an afterlife, I want to live in the National Day, died in the Qingming Festival. When I was born, the whole world was celebrating. When I died, the whole world mourned.
三、好好照顾自己,不要奢望别人来疼你,别人都很忙的。 Take good care of yourself, don't expect others to love you, others are busy. 四、本想把日子过成诗,时而简单,时而精致。不料日子却过成了我的歌,时而不靠谱,时而不着调。 I want to put the day into a poem, sometimes simple, sometimes delicate. But the days have become my song, sometimes unreliable, sometimes tuneless.
五、总有一天,你的棱角会被世界磨平,你会拔掉身上的刺,你会学着对讨厌的人微笑。 One day, the world will flatten your edges, you will pull out the thorns, and you will learn to smile at the ones you hate. 六、旧爱的誓言像极了巴掌,每当想起一句便挨一巴掌。 Old love oath like a slap, every time think of a will be slapped.
Things in the world,
ultimately can not be as desired,
will not be sweet.
八、别遇到一点鸡毛蒜皮的事情,就一蹶不振,你才20多岁,怕什么困难无穷。 Don't fall down after a fall when you meet a little trifles. You are only in your 20s, so you are afraid of endless difficulties.
九、结局总是好的,如果不好,说明还不是结局。 The ending is always good, if not, it is not the end. 十、过度坚硬太伤人伤己,过度柔软又保护不了自己,要有多难,才能一边棱角分明,一边温情四溢。 Too hard to hurt yourself, too soft to protect themselves, it has to be hard, while angular, while warm.
十一、走不通的路就回头,爱而不得的人就放手,得不到的回应的热情就适可而止。 No way back, love but can not let go, can not get the response of the enthusiasm is enough. 十二、不要做廉价的自己,不要随意去付出,不要一厢情愿去迎合别人,圈子不同,不必强融。 Do not be cheap yourself, do not pay at will, do not want to cater to others, the circle is different, do not have to be strong.
十三、难过的一面就留着自己慢慢消化吧,反正幸灾乐祸的人肯定比心疼你的人多。 The sad side to keep their own slowly digestion, anyway, schadenfreude is bound to love you more than the people. 十四、人总要找点事做,让自己忙起来,忙起来才知道生活不易,才知道平时的忧伤都是矫情。 People always have to find something to do, to make themselves busy, busy to know that life is not easy, just know that the usual sadness is melodramatic.
十五、有些事,我能想通,我也能接受,就是有点难过。 Some things, I can figure out, I can accept, but a little sad. 十六、不要亏待了身边每一个真心对你好的人,毕竟他们在对你好和不对你好之间,选择了对你好。 Don't be unkind to everyone around you. After all, they choose to be nice to you between being nice to you and not being nice to you. |
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