一、不要为眼下的困难一筹莫展,你是可爱的人,时间自然会把你推向更好的境地。 Don't let your current difficulties get the best of you. You are a lovely person and time will put you in a better position. 二、爱的时候不辜负人,玩的时候不辜负风景,睡觉时不辜负床,一个人时不辜负自己。 Don't live up to people when you love, don't live up to the scenery when you play, don't live up to the bed when you sleep, don't live up to yourself when a person.
三、一个人生活久了,遇到一点温暖,那颗假装孤傲的心,便会溃不成军。 A person's life for a long time, encounter a little warmth, the heart pretending to be lonely proud, will be routed. 四、多要求自己,你会更加独立,少要求别人,你会减少失望。宁愿花时间去修炼不完美的自己,也不要浪费时间去期待完美的别人。
By asking more of yourself,
you will be more independent; by asking less of others,
you will be less disappointed. It's better to spend time perfecting your imperfect self than to waste time expecting a perfect someone else.
五、人生十之八九不如意,不想八九,常思一二,事事如意。 Life is nine times out of ten, not nine times out of ten, often think one or two, everything is right. 六、可能,骨子里就是个非常淡漠的人,没有特别挚爱的东西,没有一定要得到的人,也没有非做不可的事。 Maybe, at heart, he is a very indifferent person, with nothing to love, no one to have, and nothing to do.
七、别总是讨厌这个,讨厌那个。你讨厌不过来的,多去找点自己喜欢的。 Don't always hate this and hate that. You hate what you can't get over, find something you like. 八、信任就是一把刀,你给了别人,他就有两个选择,捅你或者爱你,保护你。 Trust is a knife. When you give it to someone else, he has two choices: stab you or love you and protect you.
九、这个世界就这么不完美,你想得到些什么就不得不失去些什么。 The world is so imperfect that you have to lose something if you want something. 十、凡遇事,知道的不要全说,听到的不要全信,听到的就地消化,这样生活才会安宁。 Say not all that you know, believe not all that you hear, and digest what you hear, and you will live in peace.
十一、没人挡风遮雨,就自己撑起一片天。别总自顾可怜,谁活着都挺难。 No one to shelter from the wind and rain, they hold up a piece of the sky. Don't always look after the poor, who are very difficult to live. 十二、这个世界上你认识那么多的人。那么多人和你有关,你再怎么改变也不能让每个人都喜欢你,所以还不如做一个自己想做的人。 You know so many people in the world. There are so many people involved with you that no amount of change can make everyone like you, so it's better to be the person you want to be.
十三、对自己喜欢的人所花的每分每秒都是值得的,因为这不叫浪费,而叫付出。 Every minute you spend with the one you like is worth it, because it's not waste, it's give. 十四、一个总是回头看的人,走不了远路,你要记住前方有更好的人在等你,你永远值得被爱。 A person who always looks back, can't go far, you have to remember there are better people waiting for you ahead, you always deserve to be loved.
十五、世界上所有的惊喜和好运,都是你累积的人品和善良。 All the surprises and good fortune in the world are your accumulated character and kindness. 十六、愿你,在你以后的日子里,能够春赏繁樱,夏观夜星,秋见霜菊,冬遇初雪。在人间的扬尘里,只会看见美的事物。 May you, in your future days, be able to enjoy numerous cherry blossoms in spring, watch night stars in summer, see frost chrysanthemum in autumn, and first snow in winter. In the dust of the world, only beautiful things can be seen. |