一、愿你含笑入眠,笑对朝阳,一天比一天优秀。 May you fall asleep with a smile, smiling at the morning sun, getting better every day. 二、愿你能活的没心没肺,不负好时光,不做痴情郎。 Wish you can live heartless, not good time, do not do crazy lover.
三、愿你的生活常温暖,日子总是温柔又闪光,愿你历经山河仍觉得人间值得。 May your life always be warm, the days always be tender and shining. May you still find the world worth living after all you've been through. 四、愿你抚琴有人听,愿你心事有人叙,愿来生我们还能不期而遇。 May you touch the piano to be listened to, may your mind be talked about, may we meet unexpectedly in the next life.
五、愿你坚定又温柔,独立又自由。 May you be firm and gentle, independent and free. 六、愿你前程似锦,不虚余生。愿你梦无虚妄,不惧风霜。愿你世事洞明,不与相争。 May you have a bright future and the rest of your life. May your dreams be free from the wind and the frost. May you see through the world and not contend with it.
七、愿你往后余生,不乱于心,不困于情,不畏将来,不念过往! I wish you the rest of your life, not confused in the heart, not trapped in the feelings, not afraid of the future, not read the past! 八、愿你在这多彩人间,此去经年,仍旧相信爱,仍旧会为细小的感动润湿眼眶。 May you in this colorful world, after many years, still believe in love, still wet eyes for small touched.
九、愿你一生果敢,一生坦荡,一路披荆斩棘。 May you be brave and magnanimous all your life. 十、愿你有好运,如果没有,希望你在不幸中学会慈悲;愿你被很多人爱,如果没有,希望你学会宽容。 May you have good luck, if not, may you learn mercy in misfortune; May you be loved by many, if not, I hope you learn to forgive.
十一、愿你的人生充满微笑,好事接二连三! May your life be filled with smiles, one good thing after another! 十二、愿有人与你推杯换盏,朝暮相伴;愿有人陪你春夏秋冬,道早安午安晚安。 May someone with you push the cup to change, morning and evening accompanied; May someone accompany you spring, summer, autumn and winter, say good morning, afternoon, good night.
十三、愿你的爱情,只有喜悦与幸福,没有悲伤与愧疚。 May your love be filled with joy and happiness, without sorrow and guilt. 十四、愿你所经之地尽是繁华,所托之人都不辜负,所愿之事皆能圆满,所向之地终能抵达。 May the land you pass through be prosperous, and the people you entrust will not be disappointed. May all your desires be fulfilled, and may the land you are going to reach reach you.
十五、愿有人陪你颠沛流离,如果没有,愿你成为自己的太阳。 May someone accompany you from place to place, if not, may you become your own sun. 十六、愿你所有的努力都不白费,所想的都能如愿,所做的都能实现,愿你往后路途,深情不再枉付。 May all your efforts not be in vain, what you think can be achieved, what you do can be achieved, may your future journey, deep feeling is no longer in vain. |
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