一、做一个特别简单的人,好相处就处,不好相处就不处。不必对每个人好,他们又不给你打钱。 Be a simple person. Be easy to get along with, but not easy to get along with. You don't have to be nice to everyone. They don't pay you. 二、无论你单身,恋爱或是失恋,愿你能够明白,生活的目标,不是爱情,是快乐。 Whether you're single, in love or out of love, may you understand that the goal of life is not love, but happiness.
三、大多数人口中的“怎么了”,只是为了满足好奇心,并没有要帮助你的意思。 Most people say “what's wrong” just to satisfy their curiosity, not to help you. 四、生活现状:想过八戒般的生活,却承受着悟空般的压力,但只有沙僧的本事,还时不时能听到唐僧般的唠叨。 Life status: Want to live a life like eight commandments, but bear the pressure like Wukong, but only sand monk's ability, but also from time to time can hear the Tang Monk nagging.
五、为值得的人赴汤蹈火,对闲杂的人别在乎太多。如此,你的善良才显的矜贵。 Go through fire and water for the worthy, but don't care too much about the idle. Then your goodness is exalted. 六、其实我不明白什么叫恰到好处,只是不想辜负谁和被辜负,该拥抱的时候不退步,该笑到时候我绝对不会哭。 In fact, I don't understand what is just right, just don't want to live up to who and be let down, the time to hug not backward, the time to laugh I will never cry.
七、每次一想到“都得死”,我就愉悦了,就能短暂的原谅这个世间的各种狗屎。 Every time I think of “I have to die”, I feel happy and temporarily forgive all kinds of shit in the world. 八、很多人不是孤僻,而是有原则有选择地社交。和喜欢的人千言万语,和其他的人一字不提。 Many people are not withdrawn, but socialize in a principled and selective way. Talk a lot to the people you like, and never say a word to anyone else.
九、饭要和投缘的人吃,日子要和懂你的人过。 Food and the people to eat, and the day to understand you. 十、亲爱的,你已经走了这么远,努力了那么久,千万别缩回身,活成你曾经最看不起的样子。 Darling, you've come so far, you've worked so hard for so long, don't pull back and live the life you once despised.
十一、如果你经历过真正的孤立无援,你会明白,眼泪是最无用的东西。 If you've ever experienced real isolation, you know that tears are the most useless thing. 十二、钱没了可以再挣,朋友没了可以再交,爱情没了可以再找,记住,你什么都不缺,你缺的是一份重新开始的勇气。 No money can be earned again, no friends can be made again, no love can be found again, remember, you do not lack anything, what you lack is the courage to start again.
十三、假如你不够快乐,也不要把眉头深锁,人生本来短暂,为什么还要栽培苦涩。 If you are not happy enough, do not frown deeply, life is originally short, why cultivate bitterness even. 十四、曾经以为30岁很遥远,现在却发现18岁已经是很久以前的事情了,时光好不经用,抬眼,已是半生。 Once thought that 30 years old is very far away, but now found that 十八、 years old is a long time ago, time is not used, raise your eyes, has been half of life.
十五、请不要说我变了,因为我没变,只不过懂得了,别人怎样对我,我就该怎样去对待别人。 Please don't say That I have changed, because I have not changed, just know, how others treat me, I will be how to treat others. 十六、能说出来的,未必是太在意的;能写出来的,其实是可以放下的;存在心里的,才是欲罢不能挥之不去的。 Can say out, is not necessarily too care about; Can write out, in fact, can be put down; What exists in the heart is the one that can't be stopped. |
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