一、永远年轻,永远装嫩,永远不知好歹,永远热泪盈眶。 always young, always act young, never know good or bad, always in tears. 二、没有不劳而获的工作,更没有坐享其成的收获,若比别人贪心,请比别人用心。 there is no work for nothing, more than enjoy the harvest, if more greedy than others, please than others intentions.
三、知世故而不世故,擅自嘲而不嘲人,爱人爱己,豁达乐观。 know the world without the world, without the right to laugh at people, love yourself, open-minded and optimistic. 四、性躁心粗者,一事无成。心和气平者,百福自集。 the sex manic heart is coarse, accomplish nothing. Heart and harmony are equal, the hundred blessings from the collection.
五、何为格局?目标的高度,见识的广度,认知的深度,自身的宽容大度。 What is the pattern? The height of the goal, the breadth of knowledge, the depth of cognition, their own tolerance. 六、何必向不值得的人证明什么,生活得更好,乃是为你自己。—— 亦舒《忽而今夏》 Why to prove what to the unworthy people, live better, but for yourself. -- Yi Shu, “Suddenly This Summer”
All the pain in life, because of delusion everything as you wish. 八、痛苦是比较出来的,幸福是珍惜得来的。越是计较,心理越不平衡,越不平衡,烦恼越多,我们因此变得不从容。 the pain is compared, happiness is treasured. The more care, the more unbalanced the psychology, the more unbalanced, the more trouble, we therefore become not easy.
九、有时候,你对人生所有的规划,抵不过命运一次不怀好意的安排。——扶南 Sometimes, all your plans for life, but the fate of a malicious arrangement. - helps south 十、风吹雨打知生活,苦尽甘来懂人生。生命太短,没时间留给遗憾,若不是终点,请微笑一直向前。 the wind and rain know life, to understand life. Life is too short for regrets. If it is not the end, smile and move on.
十一、事情要快快做,生活要慢慢过。 Things should be done quickly, life should be slowly. 十二、讲一万金句,不如自己摔一跤,眼泪教会你做人,后悔帮你成长,疼痛是你最好的老师,人生该走的弯路一米也少不了。 Speak ten thousand gold sentence, as their own fall, tears teach you to be a man, regret to help you grow, pain is your best teacher, the life should take a detour meter is also indispensable.
十三、幸福不在于你是谁,你拥有什么,而仅仅在于你自己怎么看待。 Happiness lies not in who you are or what you have, but in how you see yourself. 十四、分别不是终点,彼此铭记就已足够。人生的有些时候,一场邂逅,其实就足够美丽。—— 宫崎骏 Separation is not the end, remember each other is enough. Sometimes in life, an encounter, in fact, is beautiful enough. -- hayao miyazaki
十五、每个人都有每个人的生活,各自平淡,各自繁华。—— 言多嘉 everyone has everyone's life, their own plain, their own bustling. When words are - jia 十六、不赌天意,不猜人心。天意你赌不起,人心你猜不透。人一生也没有多少时间可以挥霍。踏实一点,务实一些,和谁一起舒服开心就和谁在一起。 do not bet on god, do not guess the heart. You can't bet on providence, you can't guess the heart. There is not much time in one's life to squander. Be practical, be practical, be comfortable with who you are happy with. |
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